xxv - home?

866 31 42

Ivory – xxv ; Home?

Created: 07.07.22

Finished: 07.11.22

Edited: 10.03.22 / 10.07.22

Published: 10.16.22


Trigger Warning: nightmare/flashback, derealisation, blood, laceration, sharp objects

Word Count: 2227

A/N: We're almost at 10K reads..sounds surreal..I have not made new chapters..haha. I should finish all drafts once its semestral break. But anyway, thank you all for the reads, votes and comments. I appreciate you guys a lot, thank you<33


"What do you see in that brat anyway?"


Tommy tried to raise his bleeding head, vision's a blur to see the figure in front of him. He knew well he couldn't run this way. He couldn't feel his legs..must be broken..or disfigured,

"Tubbo. That 'best friend' of yours. What do you see in him?"

Still confused, he attempted to sit but his head remained planted on the ground, so was his torso, "I don't..I don't.." He stammered, lightheaded from the recent throw the madman gave him across the cave,

"You guys were always..always together huh..Like when you came here, the discs all over again, Tubbo was there for you.."

Tommy gritted his teeth, saddened to reminisce the memories, as well as being pissed off; knowing well that he was trying to get under his skin again,

"The L'manburg..can't believe that son of a bitch became president right off the bat...then he was nothing when we blew that shit up for good."

Trying to keep his breathing calm, and not hyperventilate like he usually does, he kept a straight face despite feeling this burning pain all over. Should he mention his heart and mind hurt too?

"Oh yeah, the exile.."

You bastard.

"I remember you told me that you kept seeing Tubbo during your banishment from L'manburg..Even that ghost believed your hallucinations, he was probably just trying to make you feel better. But Tubbo never visited you, huh..That's sad."

Stop it.

"Right, and you were replaced by someone..That enderman, they really got close..really close when you were gone-"

"You fucker- You just don't know when to shut up, you son of a bitch.." Tommy growled, having enough of Dream's bullshit, "I don't know where you're getting with this, but whatever it is, you fuck off- You shut the fuck up!"

That made the masked man chuckle, pulling the child up and plop him to sit against the wall, "I'm not trying to infuriate you. Just..you know, reminding you of a certain someone who never thought about you anymore."

Tommy tilted his head up, eyes widening slightly, "What?.."

Grinning more, he continues, "Oh yes, Tommy..Tubbo got busy, really busy with a lot of things you know? That kid of his was still missing, and Ranboo was killed-"

"Ranboo was killed?.." He murmured in shock but the other didn't let him completely process all that,

"Yet all of those issues, including me getting out, that is, he never really thought about you. I doubt he thinks about you anymore. As far as I can see, he never thought about the fact that you have been missing for weeks now, Tommy. Weeks! He never worried at all."

Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AUWhere stories live. Discover now