lvi - ur just a boy..u are no man..and nobody u know will understand..🐈‍⬛

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Ivory - lvi ; I've Got Things To Do..Therefore I Can't Stay

Created: 07.17.23

Finished: 07.17.23

Edited: 09.21-23.23

Published: 09.23.23


Trigger Warning: dissociative fugue, breakdown and yelling, vague drowning and s/lf harm,  heavy mentions of death and revival, theres not muchh but get tissues (if needed)

Word Count: 7010

A/N: Hi. I didn't think I did my prelims well, but meh..I don't think I tried too hard, I'll better work harder next time^^ I've noticed I'm more eager to work on other things like writing when I'm stressed, now that there's nothing to do, I'm lazy to write again hhaha

I remember that I cried three times in making the draft of this chapter. It was made and finished in a single day and left me with tears. It's one of my favourites chapter to make since not only my attention span wasn't going around in writing this, but also because it was straight out of the plans I'm making, yet still made me enjoy doing it. For some reason, other than doing heavy lore-angsty chapters, I'm also fond in making crack up parts, that's straight up nonsense yet relevant. So I hope you enjoy this, and not cry, as much as I did. This chapter was a pain to be edited and I cried another two to finish this up. Oh yeah this is just a continuation of the previous chapter, so no more confusion.

There's ought to be art, but I don't have my phone right now to retrieve it so oops. Enjoy. oOo/



Tubbo scoffs, eyeing straight down at the reflection Tommy has. He can't even see it clearly, its appearance and energy too overwhelming to bear.

Despite Tommy keeping a composed look in front of his friend, his insides scream..his insides hurt,

"Care to tell me where Tommy is? Out of all bodies, which one is him? Even if I did find him, would I get him back? Would I get my fucking friend back?"

He clenches his fists, even if it aches, "Cause if everything's futile..I don't think..I can keep on...let alone even seeing you..whoever you are."

Tommy stares at him blankly, something Tubbo could easily brush off.

but only this time..something is beaming against those dead eyes..

he looks as if..Tommy is hurt by his words.

Tommy? Hurt?

"Ivory huh..That cute nickname that ghost gave me?..It suited me after what I've been going through..who I am."

Tubbo raises a brow, confused by his answer, "I thought Ivory is a-"

"Different person? Well, I guess it is..or not. I don't know..things are complicated now to just be easily understood."

He walks a few steps away, the soles of his feet bearing no noise, "I don't think anyone's with me here Tubbo..It does feel like I'm a different someone taking over who I'm used to be...But-"

He looks at him, "With how much it hurts me to see you like see you treating me like I'm not Tommy..I guess I'm still here.."

He smiles a little, something Tubbo could hardly recognise.

Tommy's smiles were usually enormous, enough to fill up people's frowns to beams..or a grimace, either will do. If ever, the right term for it is that, his smiles are contagious.

Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AUWhere stories live. Discover now