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Ivory - l ; You Ruined The Colour Blue For Me

Created: 03.16.23-04.14.23

Finished: 04.05.23-04.18.23

Edited: 07.08.23

Published: 07.10.23


Trigger Warning: detailed flasbacks(both story-wise and ptsd) that depict s/xual assault, implication of suicide, manipulation, vulgar swearing and yelling, heavy derealising themes and dissociative fugue, mentions of abuse, attempted suicide, and death

Word Count: 7336 (srry if its lengthy, i cant find a part where it can be cut)

A/N: i know am late..very late..am mentally unwell and physically so I've been living off with painkillers or antihistamines to actually breathe so yea i have not been able to write much lately so it sucks. i have a few unedited backups left but i cant bring myself to make new chapters. just..things are messy here but ill be fine.

important announcements come at the end, i ought to make a different post, but i cant get myself to sit down about it..idk..it sucks.

anyway, pls be mindful that this chapter is very..heavy, when it comes to derealisation and the flashbacks are kinda too much- so pls be mentally well when you read this and take caution. i dont want anyone to get hurt reading this.

enjoy the chapter for now- announcements later^^



For a moment, it stilled.

Like everything no longer hurts.

As the throbbing in his head dissipates from his head to toe, he feels..rejuvenated.

Where everything felt cold, it now felt warmth...like hands, their hands holding him close.

They were murmurs, but all he could hear was their voices.

He can hear them calling him, and so he opens his eyes.

The atmosphere is on a yellowish hue; almost like sunset.

It took him a while for him to know who's speaking to him, not like it mattered much though.

Whoever they are, it made him feel nice,

"Look, he's waking up.."

"I really hope he'd like the meal I made him.."

"He better get out of bed before I fuck him out of it.."

"He might be tired for that..I don't mind cuddling though"

Those voices..those-

"Nickolas...Karlo?.." He didn't mean to sound like that, gods he sounds so weak and tired.

Still, the other two didn't find it all too strange, "Aww, we shouldn't have woken him up-"

The one with a hoodie designed with a vortex punches the one who has a fire as a constant theme over his fashion.

He only chuckles from the action, not finding it painful at all,

"As much as I want him asleep, he should get up every now and then. It's a beautiful day outside."

He can't believe it...they're..

His body jerks, he leaps up, and catches them.

This time, he didn't miss.

Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AUWhere stories live. Discover now