xxxvi - you left me

478 21 49

Ivory – xxxvi ; You Left Me

Created: 11.03.22

Finished: 11.19.22

Edited: 12.22.22 / 01.15.23

Published: 01.15.23


Trigger Warning: heated conversation, violence, explicit torture scene, flashbacks, smoking, mentions of stitches, death?

Word Count:

A/N: Finally done with am moving on to stress with reporting, making powerpoint presentations, and the yearbook pictorial..oh gods..I'm worried that I won't be able to pass on the exam, it's not like I'll plan to go to that college, but it'd be shameful that you failed or something, so hopefully I passed in some way.

I am extremely tired, and am publishing this. Hopefully when I come back, nothing weird is said, I get weird if I type/write when I'm really weird..and I'm going to sleep..and wake up after a few hours to continue work.

I should take this A/N more seriously, I almost broke my weekly streak, and this is Tommy meeting yeah, this should be a big deal. I'll fcking post this screww it, enjoyyy- If confused, stay confused..I don't get how this all works now that I have made the story so complex. Oh yeah, this is based by the creator's idea of Wilbur meeting Tommy, maybe you should check the video out so you'd know the gist of it.

Anygay, sleep time for me. enjoy everyone nom nom nom

Edit: this is why I shouldn't publish a chapter if I'm heavily sleepy. I thank the gods that I didn't say anything weird, but there are typos everywhere, which is why am here once more haha- I give thanks to all who keep reading and especially commenting, I can see familiar people^^



One. Two. Three. Four.

It's like everything feels like..he's going to die.

At the same time, he can't react, he can't feel.

He can't fall down and let a seizure project his pain.

He can't cry and let his tears release his sorrow.

He can only watch.

He can only stare.

At the man, who knows his name, yet he doesn't know who.

"I don't think I have been to Snowchester before...have I?'s been forever." He sneers, a cigar still stuck in his mouth.

For some reason, bitterness rises on Tommy's throat. The only thing he can think of is he either does not like smoking, or this man.

It feels like a dream.

"Hello, Tommy. It's been a while since I've seen you." He remarks, his voice lulls, as well as burns, before walking closer.

He no longer feels cold, he no longer feels the snow, the only thing he feels is fear.


Why is he afraid?

"You really outdid yourself today. Got your hair all white. Now we almost look similar..somehow." The man continues, blowing a puff of smoke.

It disgusts him, it disgusts him so much, "So are you open to chat? I'd like to know what has been going on for the past few months after Dream got out. You know, to see how you were doing."

His mouth trembles, he tries to sign something but couldn't.

He doesn't understand, why is he freezing?

Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AUWhere stories live. Discover now