xxvii - this is my gamble

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Ivory – xxvii ; This Is My Gamble

Created: 07.20.22

Finished: 07.20.22

Edited: 10.11.22 / 10.20.22

Published: 10.31.22


Trigger Warning: fight involved with weapons, mentions of death, revival, explosions, alcoholism, and grief

Word Count: 2957

A/N: Happy Spoopy Month everyone^^ Glad you guys are still surviving, that's really cool of you- Haha October's ending, and after two months it'll be another new year..very derealising.

Oh yea, who watched the final Eggpire stream?:00 It was awesome, it's amazing seeing other DSMP members take the spotlight, never expected it at all- Although it's not perfect, I love it since it fed my lore-hungry brain-m-;;

 Anyway, I vaguely remember enjoying when I wrote this chapter..probably because there's a POV change. Although Tommy's POV is the focal point of the story, I want to let you guys see others' POV as well, even if its a little. So it won't be too boring as well, cuz Tommy's too angsty, and his POV gets too overwhelming and triggering to write sometimes huhu-w- He can get a bit too relatable haha- Enjoy this special chapter!~ <33


"Jeuss..wonder who built all this place. Certainly not Quackity..no way."

Phil whistles at the sight of Las Nevadas. He's not used to the heat so now he's drenching by his own sweat. Groaning, he removes his hat and wipes his forehead,

"For fuck's sake, where's Techno when you need him.." He grumbles before continuing to travel with his horse.

There are some random people that pass him, he seems strangely dressed so one or two tend to stare at his conservative, ancient look.

Phil didn't mind much about it, his eyes are more on set to the mission, while Techno does his.

Switching places might have things better but after certain events, might be a bad idea to make Techno talk it out to Quackity, he's better off to persuade someone else to join their cause.

Someone comes out of the enormous casino doors, a man with tanned skin and black hair, wearing a signature uniform that shows that he's a member of Las Nevadas.

Phil knows well who he is the moment he notices the scar, and his lost eye.

He finally meets his target.

Quackity was most surprised. He didn't expect Phil to come visiting him all of a sudden. From their encounters, they don't exactly have a good relationship.

Most likely, there's a purpose of his visit, and he's going find out soon enough. He walks towards Phil as the other lets his horse continue trotting, until the two stop and meet each other,

"Philza. Odd to see you stumbling your way here in my country." Quackity raises his brow, not trusting any inch from him.

The other only shrugs and gets down from his ride, "One way to show hospitality, Quackity. Now I don't understand how people still come around here."

Quackity scoffs, crossing his arms, "In case you don't know, this country isn't for niceties or anything like that. So don't expect much for any grace to be smacked on your face with a silver platter."

His attitude made Phil guffaw, almost tearing up. Quackity finds that rather irritating, "Oh Quackity, how this world has changed you. You have grown up, well, sort of."

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