xlvi - 0bsidian wa11s !

189 9 44

Ivory - xlvi ; Obsidian Walls I

Created: 02.07.23

Finished: 02.13.23

Edited: 05.21.23 / 05.23.23

Published: 05.26.23


Trigger Warning: derealisation, mentions of death and mutilation, not much tw yet

Word Count: 2412

A/N: You guys watched Gen Loss right? Hah. Same. I missed the stream..I totally didn't wait for hours for it to come only to the moment it started, blackout came and there was no electricity..only for it to come back and the stream was over. My neighborhood sadly has faulty wires, and now it got worse by some idiot that messed with the wires to our home just to get some dang papayas. Anygay, it was fun, Ranboo looks so fcking cool and Charlie just made the whole show fcking better, Sneeg kept everything cool and balanced so the whole thing was so awesome- Pray to Ranboo that they get speedy recovery from getting a burn during the performance though. What a queen.

Also I'd like to have this a/n dedicated to my bestie  @one_of_many_fans. They're really pog and they're one of the few people that motivates me in continuing my writing including this scruffy book. They're a good friend, and am glad they're alive and here with the world with me. Give them some love and check out their books- They're cool and bob worthy^^ Am gonna bother them later once am done publishing this, hope they don't mind;;;

Everyone's in the prison now, there's no turning back now. Finale chapters are on a roll and it begins now.


"Hello!? HELLO?!"

God he's alone..not again,

"For fuck's sake not again-"

What's the point of all of this?

"Life really loves to fuck with me-"

Who would be with him amidst the darkness?

"I'm fucking nowhere-"

This is what he hates the most..he doesn't like the fact that he couldn't see.

"I can't fucking see anything-"

No matter how much he'd run, he'd scream, he'd cry..he'll never be with anyone.

"The fuck does it matter.."

He'll always be alone.

"I'm alone."

Alone..that's what he fears.

"Someone..anyone..please.." He gives up and kneels against the vastness of nothingness.

Well, it's not really nothingness, he can see something – he can see himself.

How is that possible?

His eyes squint close and touch the ground, the ground made out of..glass?

If so, would it break if he punches it hard enough?

He'd rather not find out what's under there if it does break, and so he refrains from touching it in a panic.

It's painful to see himself, he isn't sure if his hair out there is yellow or white. Is his hair still yellow, or becomes white as Wilbur?

Or ivory..could have been ivory..

"Who the fuck...who the fuck am I looking at?"

Well, isn't that supposed to be you?

Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AUWhere stories live. Discover now