33. The Girl Blessed By Rain

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"It's not a sustainable way to live..."

"Yeah. The girl has learned the Water Body spell prior to coming here, whether by instinct or at the request of her parents, I don't know. She'll be able to get through the blizzard easily because of it, and the pressure of her water would be capable of cutting through a wyvern's scales. If you can give her a portion of the money, and maybe some guidance, the staff here will be grateful."

"How old is she?" I asked him. For a girl to basically be disowned by her parents for something out of her control, she had to be even more devastated than I could imagine.

"She just turned eleven half a month ago."

Totomaru turned to me with a wry smile on his face, "I'm sleeping on the couch for a while, aren't I?"

"We still have the non-master bedrooms untouched, right?"

"Yeah, but I threw the beds out so we could buy new ones."

"Then yes, you will be. Unless you were planning on moving into Aladina's?"

"Nah, we already have the first floor walls knocked down and most of the rooms are empty except the necessities, so I wasn't gonna leave the job half done. She and the kids might move in in the future, though, assuming things continue to work out. Bigger house and all that."

"Wait, what are the two of you talking about?"

""We're taking her in/kidnapping her.""

Totomaru smacked the back of my head while Giles just looked at us dumbfounded. "Why are you...?"

"Relax, we've got the space," Totomaru said, "We're currently combining two four-story tall townhouses. We've got six bedrooms to spare and we can go get a new bed and move her in with us without much hassle."

"You'll have to get her to agree first..."

"We know, so we're just going to give her the offer."

"*Sigh* Okay... Come on. I'll introduce you."

After Giles made his way out from behind the bar he guided the two of us through the dimly illuminated guild hall. When we approached her, the girl was completely unaware of our presence even when Giles sat down. She was completely enraptured in sewing together the little white ghostly dolls.

"Hello again, little miss," Giles said with a gentle tone, but his presence still surprised the girl enough that she ended up stabbing herself with her sewing needle. She wasn't harmed though, as the finger the needle went through turned into crystal blue water.

"S-Sorry. Juvia got startled is all..." the girl said, responding to herself in the third person.

"It's perfectly fine. These two here would like to take you on your first quest. Would you like to go with them?"

"Juvia...doesn't know..."

I sat down beside her prompting her to look at me as I stuck my hand out towards her with a smile, "I'm Lyssa Wysteria. Nice to meet you."

"Juvia Lockser. Nice to meet you too..." she said as she tentatively shook my hand.

"Giles here told me how you had problems controlling your magic. That's true, right?" I asked, the girl nodding in response. "Well then, I can help you."

"""You can?"""

Ignoring the two beside us, I consciously let my body temperature rise to its natural level. This simple act caused those around me to start to sweat and the beer being poured from kegs to foam.

"I have to lower my own normal temperature pretty often. It's a natural side-effect of my primary magic type. I'm sure I can help you do the same thing, and I'm confident I actually know how."

Fairy Tail: Swallow the Fireحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن