3장 || Serenade of Shadows

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Crown prince's pov

I dipped my brush into the inkwell, feeling the bristles soak up the dark liquid, preparing to glide across the paper in delicate strokes. But as the familiar sound of walking pierced through the quiet, I felt a shift in the atmosphere. Even without looking, I knew who approached.

Only Lady Jeongsun carried such a commanding presence. Hidden in the pavilion, surrounded by a veil of weeping willows and pines, I had sought solitude. Yet, such seclusion was never truly granted to the likes of me.

As she did the purposeful stride with which she entered. Her gaze, however, was where her real power lay — ever watchful, ever strategic.

" Jeoha," she greeted with the perfected cadence of someone accustomed to navigating the court. "I trust you find this day to your liking?"

" Will you change the day if I dislike it?" I wanted to ask her but held my thoughts.

Setting my brush down, I met her eyes evenly. "Lady Jeongsun. You're far from the main palace. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

She tilted her head slightly, her eyes narrowing just a fraction. "Can't a mother check on her son?"

I couldn't help but scoff lightly at her words, lowering my gaze back to the painting before me.

"Since when did you see me as a son?" I responded, the tip of my brush sweeping across the paper, each stroke carrying the weight of my frustration.

She smiled, a sly upturn of her lips. "My sister's child is my child, after all."

Chuckling bitterly, I glanced up at her. "Such sentimentality. It's touching," I replied with sarcasm, meeting her calculating gaze with a momentary glance of my own.

Her voice took on a tone of mock concern, her eyes seemed to twitch with annoyance. "I hear you've had quite the... appetite lately." She quickly stated. The insinuation in her words was unmistakable.

Taking a moment, I set my brush down deliberately and leaned back, considering my next words.

I raised an eyebrow, considering her carefully. "Is there something wrong with a young man enjoying the prime of his youth, Lady Jeongsun?"

She folded her hands gracefully in front of her, her posture rigid and composed. "I simply hope that you do not set a poor example for Prince Janghyun. He looks up to his elder brother, after all."

A dry laugh escaped my lips. "And what am I doing that's any different from what our esteemed king, my father, has done?"

Lady Jeongsun hesitated momentarily, noticeably caught off guard by my frankness.

"I have been working diligently, taking my duties as Crown Prince seriously, and ensuring the prosperity and safety of our kingdom," I continued, my tone firm, "If enjoying a few personal pleasures is my only 'transgression', then I believe I am doing well."

Her lips pressed together thinly, clearly searching for a response.

She paused, her eyes sharpening into a cool gaze. "While it is true that our esteemed king has indulged in his fair share of pleasures, he also understood the importance of discretion and responsibility."

I smirked, dipping my brush back into the inkwell and watching the ink swirl. "Are you implying that I lack discretion, Lady Jeongsun?"

" Never, Jeoha..." she began, though her smile didn't quite reach her eyes. "I'm merely suggesting, Your Highness, that there are eyes everywhere. Gossip travels fast within these palace walls."

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