14장 || Of Roses and Thorns

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Author's pov

In the heart of the palace, the only sound was the gentle rustle of fabric and the muted footsteps of two people walking side by side.

The weight of the last few moments danced between them, a delicate balance of words and emotions that neither could easily shake off.

Arriving outside her chambers, Neeria turned to face the prince, gratitude evident in her eyes.

"Thank you for your help," she began, taking a deep breath to steady herself, "and for your concern."

Before he could respond, a flurry of movement caught their attention. Uhn Yuhn came running, her robes billowing behind her, with exaggerated relief painted on her face. The urgency in her steps was mirrored by her exaggerated gasp of relief. "Unnie! Oh, the spirits be thanked, you're safe!" she cried, nearly out of breath.

Neeria, taken aback by Uhn Yuhn's sudden appearance, squinted at her younger friend.

With a knowing smile and a slight shake of her head, she whispered, "You sure are an actress."

Uhn Yuhn ignored Neeria's comment, reaching out to take Neeria's arm and pulling her into a gentle embrace. Pulling back, she addressed the crown prince with a slight bow. "Your Highness, thank you for ensuring her safety." With grace, she took the fallen accessories from him.

He simply nodded, his gaze lingering on Neeria for a moment longer.

"It was my duty," he finally replied, his tone formal but with an underlying warmth. He didn't miss the playful roll of Neeria's eyes at his words or the hint of a smile she tried to suppress.

As Uhn Yuhn began to lead Neeria away, Neeria turned back, her eyes locking with the prince's one last time. "Thank you," she whispered, the unspoken words between them evident.

The prince watched them leave. With a final nod, he turned and began to make his way down the corridor.

The following day, the palace grounds were alive with festivity. A riot of colors decorated the halls and courtyards as lanterns fluttered in the gentle breeze. Noble families from various regions had gathered.

In the midst of this celebration, Neeria stood in the main courtyard, her heart racing. Her hanbok, meticulously chosen for this occasion, shimmered under the sun, accentuating her elegant frame. The folds of her dress swished gently as she shifted her weight, her eyes fixed on the stage where she was set to perform.

With the first haunting strains of the music, Neeria took a deep breath and let the rhythm guide her. Each twirl, step, and arch of her back wove a letter of emotions. The very ground seemed to come alive with her dance, resonating with the story she told through her movements. The audience, a sea of faces from every corner of the kingdom, sat mesmerized, drawn into her tale.

Sitting amongst the high-ranking officials was the crown prince. Though surrounded by whispering courtiers, his focus remained undisturbed, eyes unwaveringly set on Neeria. His admiration was evident in the way his fingers tapped in rhythm with her dance, and the faint smile that played on his lips.

Yet, a little away from the prince, General Yeongho stood. His sharp military uniform contrasted with the festive colors around, making him stand out. His expression was one of studied neutrality, but his eyes, dark and intent, revealed a world of emotions as they followed Neeria's every move.

As the final notes of the music faded, and the courtyard erupted in thunderous applause, Neeria's breath slightly ragged, made her way to the sidelines. She felt the prince's gaze on her, warm and approving, and for a split second, everything else blurred. However, the intensity of the general's stare soon caught her attention, causing her heart to skip a beat.

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