18장 || Lullaby of Shadows

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Crown prince pov

"Don't you think you're being too harsh, Jeoha?" Lady Minyoung's voice was soft with she spoke, it felt like a mockery in some ways, the lengths she went to portray herself in such a way.

She bowed her head as if there was even a chance of genuine concern as she tried to help Ji-hye who kept trembling, to her feet, her fingers brushing against her tear-streaked cheek.

I looked at them, feeling a flicker of irritation. I simply shook my head. "Not in the slightest," I responded. As I locked eyes with Ji-hye, her gaze filled with what looked like of fear and pleading, I added, "Considering the circumstances, you both ought to be on your knees, begging for mercy."

Lady Minyoung's eyebrows knitted together in a frown. "Jeoha, you need to be cautious," she warned, glancing towards the door. "Just moments ago, we caught a glimpse of the general heading in the direction of your chambers. It was clearly not to see you."

I exhaled deeply, as I felt my patience thinning. "Is that supposed to concern me?" I questioned, dismissively waving my hand. "Nevertheless, I have no intention of prolonging this farce." I paused, letting the weight of my words sit with them. "For your own sakes, I'd advise you both to embrace my leniency and depart swiftly."

Lady Minyoung stepped forward, with an attempt at defiance. "You may be the Crown Prince, but you require guidance," she declared, holding her ground. "Without someone like me by your side, this palace would surely spell your downfall."

" Do you think I'm my stepmother?" I asked, as my gaze met hers,"She may be impressed by your antic. Though your audacity never ceases to humor me, it's not impressive" I mused.

With a subtle nod, I motioned for one of the maids to assist Ji-hye, guiding her gently but firmly out of the chamber. As the door closed behind her, a silence enveloped the room. Lady Minyoung and I found ourselves alone.

Our eyes locked once more, before I deliberately rose from my seat. Taking measured steps, I closed the distance between us, forcing her to tilt her chin up ever so slightly to maintain eye contact. I allowed a smirk to play at the corner of my lips as she momentarily looked away, perhaps seeking an escape from the intensity of our proximity.

"Why are you this close," she began,"if you truly harbor no sentiments for me?"

Suppressing a chuckle at the boldness of her assumption, I leaned in, my lips inches from her ear, letting the warmth of my breath tease her.

I gently I held her chin still, " Because I want you to understand something very clearly," I began, my voice perhaps as cold and decisive as it could be, my mind had become tired from the antic. "I would never, for any reason, marry someone as blindly arrogant as you." I adjusted her gaze so it could meet mine again. " Not even if the gods themselves decreed it."

Her eyes, wide with shock, searched mine as if seeking any hint of warmth or playfulness, but surely found none. "Do you understand me?" I inquired.

As she averted her gaze, a solitary tear escaped her eye, trailing down her cheek. I brushed it away, tucking the tear-soaked strand of hair behind her ear. Looking at her, I saw only the actions she'd taken to sabotage my trust.

The lines on her face deepened as she tried to hold back her emotions, her lower lip quivering ever so slightly and her brows knitting together in what she was portraying as pain. "Should you ever bring such ridiculous drama to my doorstep again," I warned,"I'll make it abundantly clear to your people the error they made in ever trusting my father to place a son like me on the throne."

" She's using you. She's going to lead you to torment." She added softly. "

" Then let her use me." I stated. " As for you, do not mistake proximity for affection," I whispered, emphasizing each word. "And never presume to know my heart, especially when your actions have consistently betrayed any trust I might've once placed in you." I pulled back slightly, ensuring she caught the my gaze before I moved away.

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