13장 || Shrouded Desires

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Neeria pov

As the thundering hooves of the practicing horses drew dangerously close, he swiftly wrapped a protective arm around my waist, pulling me out of their path. Once we were at a safe distance, he gently tilted my face, brushing away the grains of sand that clung to my cheeks with his thumb. His eyes held a hint of concern as he murmured, "Sorry about that."

"It wasn't your fault," I replied, attempting to straighten my slightly rumpled attire.

He observed me for a moment, taking in my reticence. "You're not much for words, are you?" he noted with a slight grin as we started walking away from the training ground.

I glanced at him, offering a reassuring smile. "Only when there's something worth saying," I quipped back.

His smile deepened, eyes softening with amusement as we continued our stroll. The market's sounds soon enveloped us. He paused, leaning casually against a wooden gate that penned in various animals waiting for buyers. The sounds of haggling and the rich aroma of street food filled the air.

He seemed lost in thought for a moment, then mused, "It's curious, isn't it? How different places can seem so similar. This place... it reminds me of Joseon."

Raising an eyebrow in intrigue, I tilted my head, "How so?"

He looked a bit distant, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes. "It's the familiarity, the likeness of home. Though," he added with a sigh, "it wasn't always kind to me."

Sensing a deeper pain behind his words, I ventured, " Must be a lot."

He met my gaze, the weight of memories evident. "Perhaps a story for another time," he said softly, glancing up at the darkening sky that threatened rain.

Shifting topics, he asked, "Have you been practicing with those books I gave you?" His reference was clear - the ones to aid me in reading different scripts. I nodded in affirmation.

As we continued on our path, he gestured towards our purchases, saying, "Let me take those." Reluctantly, I handed everything over, appreciating his chivalry but not wanting to burden him.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp sting on my foot. Glancing down, I noticed a small cut from our earlier tumble, now starting to bleed. Seeing my distress, he immediately squatted down in front of me, inspecting the cut with a furrowed brow.

"Are you okay?," he chided gently.

"I thought it was just a scratch," I replied, trying to downplay it.

Without a word, he set aside our purchases and extended his arms towards me, indicating that he wanted to carry me on his back.

"I can walk, really," I protested, but the concern evident in his eyes made it hard to refuse.

"Please, let me help," he urged. With a resigned sigh, I accepted his offer, wrapping my arms around his neck as he lifted me onto his back. The close proximity only intensified the underlying emotions between us, there was an unspoken attraction we both felt but danced around delicately.

As he gently set me down on a cushion, the cool shade of the area provided respite. Taking a moment, he ensured I was comfortable before heading off, presumably to fetch something for the wound.

"Thank you, for...well, everything," I murmured, looking down as he walked about gathering some things.

He returned shortly, carrying a small bowl of water, a clean cloth, and some medicinal herbs. Kneeling beside me, he softly said, "It's the least I could do. Besides, it gave me an excuse to be close to you."

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