25장 || The Silence

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Crown prince pov

I had just emerged back onto the palace quarters when the patter of small feet broke my reverie. I turned to see, Prince Janghyun, trotting eagerly down the hall, a wide grin on his face.

"Hyung-nim!" Janghyun greeted me happily, skidding to a halt at my side. I could not help but chuckle, reaching down to affectionately ruffle his hair.

"Hello, how are you?" I asked with a smile. " You seem in fine form today," I added as he looked up from his bow. "Have you been keeping out of mischief under Lady Han-bin's watchful eye?"

Janghyun nodded emphatically, puffing out his small chest with importance. "Yes! She said I could visit Jeohna. She brought me just now to say hello before my lessons." His eyes shone with joy and contentment.

My heart smiled to see the positive change in him since moving households. "Ah, what a thoughtful, filial son the king is blessed with," I praised warmly. " It seems Lady Han-bin has succeeded in brushing the dust off your mundane days!"

"Yes!" Janghyun declared. His bright smile and clear eyes were evidence enough that the change of environment had been beneficial. We fell easily into brotherly conversation, and my heart much lightened. For a moment taking in a subtle moment to relax.

Janghyun grinned up at me, bouncing a little on his toes. However, like most things in the palace, our cordial moment was shattered by the sharp call of his name. I grimaced, instantly on guard as the shrill tones of Lady Jeongsun assaulted my ears.

"Janghyun-ah! Where have you been." She stated walking closer together toward us. " Do you not miss your mother?" She added. I sensed Janghyun tense behind me at the sound of his mother. It was a sad sight to witness in itself how vulnerable he seemed.

My own back straightened defensively as Lady Jeongsun strode into view, sparing me the briefest insincere bow before focusing on the boy.
Not wishing to expose my vulnerable brother to her vitriol, I subtly signaled for the guards.

"Escort the young prince to my the queen dowager. I'm sure Lady Han Bin can get him from there," I murmured. With brisk efficiency they whisked Janghyun away, his gaze lingering worriedly on me till he disappeared.

Lady Jeongsun made to follow, but I barred her way. "The Queen Dowager will see to him," I informed her. "Surely even you would not dare override her wishes?"

Over her shoulder I spotted the queen dowager approaching palanquin, Lady Jeongsun bristled but could not refute my words.

Lady Jeongsun seemed to leave for a moment. I was getting ready to begin my walk when I was jarred from my reverie once again when a figure abruptly materialized from the shadows ahead. I stifled a vexed oath, instantly on guard once again.

This wing was little trafficked at such an hour. For one to deliberately waylay me here betokened ill motives, however, it was the same person as before.

" I'd think my eldest would be more kind," purred the silken tones of Lady Jeongsun. I sighed turning around. " You didn't leave?" I asked her.

She raised a brow as she looked over me."We keep crossing paths in these hidden byways instead of more seemly locations."

" I thought all was situated earlier." I halted a familiar distaste curdling in my chest. "To what do I owe this diverting encounter, my lady?" I inclined my head by rote, ignoring her jibe.

Lady Jeongsun toyed lazily with her bejeweled sleeve. "You always were so cold! One might think you not pleased to see me."

When I remained stonily silent, she heaved a dramatic sigh. "Come now, must we perpetually dance about each other so? I merely wondered about young Prince Janghyun's health. I rarely get a glimpse of the boy since you secreted him off to Lady Han-bin's residence."

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