38장 || Lullaby

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Author's pov

"Tell me at once if you experience any discomfort, my love," Yisan whispered, as his gaze continued roaming the beloved form of her face hovering so intimately below his.

Neeria nodded mutely, still not immune to shy and naked vulnerability even now when he drew so achingly close. Yet tenderness unfurled within under his admiring regard, her heart a flower spreading petals helplessly to his warmth.

Deft fingers slid to interlace through hers, squeezing in soothing repetition, of opening and closing before drifting upwards. He trailed a winding path along the graceful line of her arm, over the arch of her shoulder.

His caress was a teasing touch, as it skimmed across her umber skin, eliciting a subtle shiver, while the sensation spread in a slow, honey-like glaze.

Neeria blossomed further for him alone in these veiled moments, her accidental shyness unveiled like night's first shy stars kindling silver brightness across heavens. His reverent hands sought to map the constellations of her being, connecting beauty marks and curves into rapturous imagery. In the sanctuary of his eyes, he saw her as a goddess embodied, slowly awakening to his devoted reverence.

"Always so intense when you look on me..." Neeria's throaty observation emerged half strangled when his heated stare ignited trails of fire in its path.

Her free hand trembled faintly as she reached to smooth nonexistent creases along his brow, more of an excuse for contact.

"I fear my waist has become too round for your hold?" She scoffed.

"Oh, you underestimate me." He stated as a soft smile teased his sculpted mouth at her breathless remark even as his large hands obligingly gentled around her rounded middle. "I manage proper embrace well enough still..."

Yisan's sure touch rediscovered the beloved geography of her altered silhouette. Thumbs traced her waist's graceful inward curve above where it now blissfully thickened, cradling new life within. He mapped lower still, each groove and arch along hips that once fit narrow elegantly in his encompassing grip.

Neeria's eyelids fluttered helplessly under such thorough homage. Her fingertips braced instinctively along his pulse racing against silk robes, head falling back trustingly as his hands continued their unhurried rediscovery.

He observed raptly each hitch and release of her quickened breathing. When she bit her lip just so, slightly the ministration of his palms paused to insinuate slower up her ribcage, eliciting a dulcet gasp as though fondling her heartstrings directly.

Guiding Neeria gently sideways, Yisan shifted to settle behind her, his muscular chest pressing flush against her back.

One hand lifted aside heavy coils of raven hair, revealing the graceful column of her neck offered up to him. As he brushed his fingertips down her spine, Neeria's breath trembled and quickened in anticipation.

"Let me just move my head over to give you room..." she murmured absently, already twisting to find a better angle. But her husband's grip came firm yet tender around her wrist, stilling her movements before they could even begin.

"Allow me," he whispered near her ear, his warm breath caressed her tightly. The press of his nose against the nape of her neck made her pulse leap wildly as he descended with slow, deliberate kisses along her neck. Neeria sighed contentedly, melting boundlessly back into his solid warmth as he traced the curve of her throat with his fingers and then rested his thumb against her bottom lip.

The warm exchange of their breath danced on the pad of his thumb, while his other arm encircled her waist and began massaging her breast. As clouds drifted lazily across the moon, a soft veil of velvet darkness descended upon the lovers, amplifying every sensation and heightening their mutual desire. With each reverent circuit of Yisan's hand on her body, Neeria felt herself sinking deeper into a state of delirium and surrender.

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