9장 || Enchanted Reverie

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She had a distinct fondness for yakgwa, each bite taken with a deep appreciation that made one think she was savoring a piece of art rather than a simple treat. Whenever the world grew too loud or demanding, she found solace in secluded corners, perhaps reading or simply being with her thoughts. Her hair, when brushed out, was a soft cascade of coils, but more often than not, she chose to wear it in elegant twists.

While Neeria rarely wore her intentions on her sleeve, I began to pick up on the subtle cues she left behind. I caught glimpses of her genuine self every now and then. Through silent observations and shared glances, I pieced together a portrait of her, a mosaic of traits and tastes. It became our silent ritual, between the two of us, I the single contributor.

Her arrival itself became a routine, one I looked forward to.

"It's my duty after all," she'd say with a demure smile, her eyes never quite meeting mine, each time I'd express my gratitude. Not just for the tea, but for the brief moments of respite she brought into my otherwise demanding day.

There was more I wanted to thank her for. It was the soft melodies she'd hum under her breath, the faint scent of honey and jasmine that lingered in her wake, and the fleeting moments when her gaze would inadvertently lock with mine.

Each encounter was brief, almost ephemeral.
I found myself looking for reasons to have her near, to hold her gaze a moment longer, to hear her speak.

Yet, no matter how hard I tried, truly capturing her attention seemed an impossible task. She always maintained an air of formality, a wall I couldn't breach. It was maddening and endearing all at once.

Her dedication to her work and her unwavering professionalism always left a mark. There were moments when she'd let her guard down, engaging in light-hearted banter with me, but such instances were few and far between. Nonetheless, I cherished every interaction, brief as they might be.

In the days following our encounter in the library, it appeared to have little impact on her. However, whenever I heard the gentle cadence of Neeria's footsteps, I felt an unexpected sense of calm. One day, as she entered with her usual tray of tea, she offered a weary smile.

"Jeoha," she started, setting the tray on the table. Her fingers lingered momentarily on the porcelain. "I apologize for the delay." Her voice held a gentle tone, but there was a hint of unease.

I looked up from the scroll I was engrossed in, "Is everything alright?" I remarked on the hurried nature of her movements and the nervous darting of her eyes. "You've seemed more preoccupied lately," I said, trying to maintain a neutral tone.

She averted her gaze, focusing on the tea. She lowered her gaze, pouring the tea with practiced precision. "The palace's demands have surged lately, Your Highness," she admitted, her voice carrying a weight of responsibility.

Receiving the cup from her, I felt the briefest touch of our fingers, which she quickly pulled back from.

" Can I be of any help?" I asked looking at her hands for a moment longer.

A delicate smile touched her lips. "It's not your place to bear such burdens," she replied softly.

"Let's see it as my invitation then, not your request. Let this be your break, even if just for a few moments," I said, wanting to prolong our time together. "Before the day's duties claim you again, sit with me."

She paused for a brief moment before giving a slight nod. As she took a seat on the cushion I pointed to.

"Since this is a 'meeting,'" I began, as I looked at her " I've been pondering on something," I began, my voice carrying a hint of curiosity. "My father isn't one to owe favors, yet he speaks of a debt to you."

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