8장 || Threads of Destiny

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Authors pov

In the heart of the library, Crown Prince Yi-san reclined in his seat. His robes, dyed in the richest of reds and embroidered with golden threads, flowed around him like a river of majesty.

His black headwear, adorned with its tall spire, cast a shadow that partly concealed his eyes — those windows to his soul that rarely betrayed emotion. Behind the cover of a book, his gaze was fixed on the distant murals, but his thoughts were elsewhere. Nearby, the Scholar sat engrossed, his fingers tracing the lines of the scripts he perused.

"Jeoha," the Scholar began, lifting his gaze from the parchment, "I heard there's an invitation for Ji-hye."

The crown prince scoffed briefly, nodding in acknowledgment without offering further words. The library's silence settled once again.

The Scholar, brushing a stray hair from his face, ventured, "Is there something troubling you about the invitation?" The prince simply shook his head.

Surrounding him, the carves of the walls depicted dragons ascending towards the heavens. While he was reading, he was lost in thought. Every subtle movement he made - the occasional shift in his seat, were underscored by an underlying annoyance.

As unfazed as he looked, he was displeased at least to an astute observer. They would have noticed that his once smooth brow now harbored the faintest lines, his jaw clenched a bit, before it relaxed.

For a moment, he allowed himself the ease as, a gentle breeze from the open courtyard wafted in, making the silk of his rob dance and carrying with it the sounds of the palace: distant laughter, the soft strum of a geomungo, from practicing performers and the hushed voices of courtiers.

But Yi-san was lost in his introspection, ruminating on the whispers that were now becoming too loud to ignore.

There were few things that genuinely bothered Crown Prince Yi-san, a man whose usual demeanor bordered on nonchalance. Yet dishonesty, the incessant statements behind hidden fans and beneath silk canopies, were particularly grating.

A muffled voice cut through his reverie. "Jeohaaa, your visitor has arrived."

Yi-san's eyes, which had been clouded with thought, cleared. He slowly closed his book, a soft sigh escaping his lips. With a gentle, almost reluctant motion, he gestured towards Scholar Hyun-seok.

Without needing explicit words, Hyun-seok understood the unspoken command. He bowed slightly, his and then gracefully moved to inform the guards, his silhouette fading into the lattice work of the library's entrance as he went to allow Ji-hye to enter.

The rustling of silk filled the room as Ji-hye entered. She wore a gentle smile as she adjusted the seemingly new hanbok she had on. She attempted a small pose, adjusting herself in a way she thought would be attractive.

The Crown Prince looked up from his cup, his eyes holding a deep intensity that both captivated and intimidated.

With a silent nod, Yi-san gestured to a nearby maid, signaling her to serve Ji-hye. The porcelain teacup was filled to the brim, its steam swirling upwards, mingling with the incense that hung in the air.

Ji-hye, ever the picture of attempted grace, took a tentative sip. Her eyes flitted towards Yi-san, searching for some hint of his intentions. His act of offering her tea felt comforting, a simple yet profound gesture that eased some of the moment in the room.

A small smile curled her lips, cheeks warming with a touch of blush. "Your Highness, I must admit, your invitation took me by surprise."

He watched as Ji-hye fidgeted in her seat, her fingers tracing the rim of her teacup. Taking a sip of his own tea, the action partly concealed his face. Yi-san simply nodded, his gaze unwavering for a moment.

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