6장 || Whispers of Dawn

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Author's pov

Neeria's steps sung softly through the palace corridors. As she rounded a corner, she paused, her eyes locking onto a scene. A tall, well-built man was speaking with a group of three palace guards. The deep bass of his voice, combined with his commanding presence, suggested his significance within the palace hierarchy. She tried to convince herself it might not be him, but it felt dishonest to deny even the possibility. Before she could approach, she found herself retreating quickly.

Lost in her observation, she barely noticed Uhn Yuhn's approach until her friend's voice pulled her back from her thoughts. "Dreaming again, Neeria?"

Neeria blinked, shaking her head gently to dispel her reverie. "Oh, it's nothing."

Uhn Yuhn followed her gaze to the man speaking with the guards and raised an eyebrow. "Seems like a notable 'nothing.'"

Neeria chuckled softly. "Just pondering some thoughts."

Uhn Yuhn's eyes gleamed with mischief. "Speaking of thoughts, how was your visit to the Crown Prince's quarters? I heard you delivered tea there."

Neeria tilted her head, a smile playing on her lips. "What does that have to do with thoughts?"

"Oh, nothing in particular," Uhn Yuhn said airily, her voice dripping with feigned innocence. "I'm just curious. Did you perhaps spill tea on his robe, touch his hand, and exclaim, 'Oh, Jeoha! I'm so sorry...' and then he... whisked you away?" Her voice trailed off into a dramatic whisper, her eyes wide with mock anticipation.

Neeria raised an eyebrow, her arms folding as she tried to suppress her amusement. "Maybe you're letting your imagination run wild?"

"Perhaps," Uhn Yuhn admitted with a cheeky grin.

Shaking her head with a light laugh, Neeria shared, "In any case, I didn't get to meet him. I simply set down the tea and left."

Uhn Yuhn playfully nudged Neeria's side. "What a shame! It would have been such a tale for our dinner chats."

As the two friends continued their light-hearted banter, they became so engrossed in their conversation that they accidentally bumped into Lady Minyoung.

Always immaculately dressed and exuding a noble aura, Lady Minyoung stumbled slightly but quickly regained her composure.

Realizing her mistake, Neeria immediately bowed deeply. "My deepest apologies, my lady. I should have been more careful."

Lady Minyoung delicately adjusted her hanbok, her expression one of mild irritation. "Indeed, you should have. The palace is not a playground for young maids."

Uhn Yuhn, sensing the tension, quickly bowed as well. "We truly are sorry, Lady Minyoung."

Lady Minyoung's gaze then settled on Neeria, her eyes narrowing slightly. "And who might you be?" she asked, her tone both curious and subtly condescending.

"I am Neeria," she responded, not raising her head from the bow.

A hint of recognition flashed in Lady Minyoung's eyes. "Ah, so you're the one I've heard about. Ensure you uphold the palace's standards," she advised, her gaze lingering on Neeria as if assessing her. Without another word, she gracefully continued on her way, her entourage of maids trailing closely.

Once they were out of earshot, Uhn Yuhn exhaled a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. "That was intense," she remarked. "She speaks as if we aren't of the same age."

Neeria nodded, her gaze following Lady Minyoung as she walked away. Rather than taking offense, she appeared intrigued, almost amused by the encounter. In the week since her arrival, it seemed she was constantly running into palace dwellers who were taken aback by her presence.

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