36장 || The Velvet Twilight

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Authors pov

As snow gathered softly outside the palace walls the morning after the lavish wedding, remaining guests from farther territories gathered gratefully indoors to take tea with the Queen Dowager.

Attendants rushed to settle the group in a tea house known for its magnificent seasonal views, its carved walls lined with steaming braziers to ward off winter's chill.

Lady Jinsun directed the seating arrangements per decorum's intricate rules, with honored relatives and advisors sorted carefully by pedigree and age. The Dowager observed each new arrival shrewdly as conversing nobles filled the chamber in a susurration of silk robes and scholarly vestments.

Many she knew only by distant reputation from their isolated provinces beyond the capital and palace rules. But recognition kindled at several faces - familial elders and advisors whose conservative sway had held influence at court previously.

They had chosen to remain longer after the Crown Prince's controversial wedding rather than rushing back to their entrenched roles of maintaining order.

As one elder, Kim, was ushered to a seat of honor near her with solicitous courtesy, the Dowager's gaze narrowed thoughtfully.

What had motivated such extended interest from those so tied to former conventions, now shaken at their core by her grandson's unprecedented match?

The Queen Dowager maintained her gentle smile over tea as the conversation turned unsubtly toward the new foreign Princess. Insults cloaked loosely as concern for tradition did not escape her shrewd notice.

"Did you witness that tribal dance performance?" tittered one lesser noblewoman to her companion. "Well, I suppose customs must be allowed for assimilation..."

"I thought it was rather amazing," Lady Jinsun stated as she walked by.

The guest coughed a bit before turning around to continue her whispering. "Indeed, those Eweh predecessors certainly dressed in flamboyant fashion," remarked an elder lord in scholarly robes. "Still, we must make allowances for their princess's...exotic pedigree."

The Dowager took a delicate sip to disguise her mounting ire as excuses masquerading as tolerance persisted. However, a muttered comment from another elder statesman ratcheted her tenuous restraint.

"I was not aware Her Majesty was so...progressive in her sunset years. How fortunate the new bride has found such an open advocate..." His sly words drew nods and thoughtful frowns around the room.

The Dowager took a slow, deliberate sip of her cooling tea as the nobleman's thinly veiled critique of her "sudden progressiveness" echoed subtly around the room. In her "sunset years," she might be, but neither blind nor weak-willed enough to overlook such ungracious commentary.

She leveled a stare that instantly quelled the self-satisfied murmurs rising. "You find an issue with my judgment then, regarding Princess Neeria's capability?" The Dowager allowed frost to line her tone. "Speak plainly, I'm too well in my sunset years for child's play." As she spoke, she rotated her teacup slightly, the remaining liquid swirling gently.

"Princess Neeria conducts herself with more dignity currently than most so-called nobles in this room," Lady Jinsun quickly added. The Queen Dowager simply patted her hand, gesturing for her to softly pause, clearly aware of her rightful anger.

As mutters began stirring anew against Princess Neeria's propriety and worthiness, a nasal lord posed aloud in a mocking tone, "I had understood Lady Neeria to be merely a passing dalliance?"

His wife craned forward with feigned concern, "Indeed, rumor holds she was originally brought to court for the Prince's casual enjoyment. Who is to say this marriage and heir were not secured simply through...womanly manipulation?"

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