20장 || A Distant Melancholy

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Neeria's pov

The sight of the palace corridors seemed to shimmer and blur as memories of the previous night played like a sweet melody in my mind. I could still feel the ghost of his touch - the way his hand gently caressed my cheek, how his arm wrapped securely around my waist, pulling me close. Our bodies had seemed to naturally fit together, two puzzle pieces made for each other, even as my mind protested that it was wrong to think of such things.

His voice was still an enchanting whisper in my ear, urging me closer, making me forget propriety and responsibility. I got lost in his dark eyes, seeing the longing and affection that must have reflected my own. The rest of the world melted away and it was just us, locked in a passionate embrace under the calm....

I was jolted from this reverie by Uhn Yuhn's gentle elbow nudging my side, an impish grin on her face. "Unnie," she said, her voice dripping with playful accusation, "you really should stop daydreaming. It's so obvious who you're thinking about." She winked, clearly amused at my moony behavior.

Heat rushed to my cheeks as I realized I had been caught. I quickly smoothed my hanbok skirt, avoiding Uhn Yuhn's knowing gaze.

" I don't know what you're talking about." I scoffed silently.

" Sure you don't unnie." She smiled back in response.

As we neared the crown prince, his eyes met mine, capturing me with his eyes a heartbeat longer than proper. My heart fluttered at the intensity of his stare. His eyes then shifted to Uhn Yuhn and he gave her a polite nod.

"Thank you for gracing us with your presence," he said smoothly, though I detected a hint of shyness the moment he glanced at me from the corner of his eye.

Uhn Yuhn's grin spread even wider as her gaze bounced between the crown prince and I, clearly amused.

The crown prince's cheeks flushed a deeper pink and he averted his eyes, clearing his throat awkwardly. He turned and strode over to the table, busying himself with shuffling and straightening the documents in an attempt to regain his composure.

I watched him, simultaneously endeared by his flustered state and exasperated that he was so affected by my presence.

Finally composed, the crown prince turned back to us. "So...there are certain pressing matters that require your attention," he began, his voice returning to a formal tone. His strong and elegant fingers spread out scrolls and bound parchment across the table. He beckoned me closer with an outstretched hand.

I slowly approached, hyperaware of his proximity. His earthy, scent mixed with subtle floral oils enveloped my senses, making it even harder to focus. I wasn't sure why of all our encounters, it was today I was feeling even more lost in his proximity. Regaining my composure , I watched the crown prince pointed to a specific document, his brow deeply furrowed with concern.

"Seongyeon has made some very troubling claims against you. These papers supposedly bear your sworn agreement to relocate to their lands indefinitely and foster trade relations."

I leaned in, examining the intricate calligraphy and official stamps. In the corner, a seal. My eyebrows knit in confusion as I stared at it.

The crown prince searched my face, gauging my reaction. "This stamp," he said gently, "is what they claim as yours. But I have doubts." His eyes were questioning yet understanding, waiting for my response.

I shook my head adamantly, then paused for a moment. I touched the emblem. It was eerily similar, but I knew I had never stamped such an agreement. "This isn't mine," I said firmly, looking up into the crown prince's eyes, searching for trust. "I have never agreed to this, nor have I ever seen this document." I paused for a moment analyzing everything. The familiar crest, the neat handwriting, and the official seals – everything appeared genuine. But it was that emblem, the mark that supposedly represented my agreement, that made my heart race. "I would never consent to such terms. My loyalty is to my people, and I would never betray them or myself in this manner."

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