37장 || Serenade of the Soul

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Neeria's pov

"I don't know, you seem rather grateful about acquiring an official 'overseer' title thanks to the crown prince," I teased Uhn Yuhn lightly as she sorted through the pile of soft fabrics my mother had left for the baby's room. She shook her head, the ornamental binyeo pin in her hair glinting in the sunlight.

"I was embarrassed! He could have warned me," she scoffed, though a small smile played about her lips. I watched as she set aside a length of delicate green silk embroidered with white cranes before moving on to examine a tiny hanbok robe.

I bit into another sticky section of sweet Ewehn confection, letting the rich coconut coating slowly melt and dissolve over my tongue. The sugary taste lingered as I watched Uhn Yuhn smooth her fingers over her own sleeve, fussing with the intricate faconnage that rustled softly with her movements. It was a familiar, nostalgic sound, a distraction as I only half-listened to her melodramatic complaints about the surprise appointment. Despite her exaggerated protests, fondness for the Crown Prince was evident in her voice and the warmth in her eyes.

"You were very happy about it though, weren't you?" I stated, watching as a faint flush rose on Uhn Yuhn's cheeks. "I saw you smiling to yourself all week after the appointment was announced. Every second near that young man has you absolutely flustered."

My companion rolled her eyes before reaching to snag her own honey and coconut glazed sweet from the table. She took a delicate bite. "Please, as if you two aren't constantly conspiring together now you're married!" she exclaimed through her mouthful. "What happened to prioritizing sisterhood before scholars and all that? Seems you've forgotten sistershood in favor of your husband."

Despite her dramatic sigh, Uhn Yuhn's eyes glinted with suppressed gladness. I hid my smile, seeing through her exaggerated complaints.

"Lucky for me my husband is a Crown Prince," I teased.

At that, Uhn Yuhn made a dramatic show of pretending to vomit, choking exaggeratedly on her confection. "Oh gross," she exclaimed with a laugh. Still, her giddiness over my romantic fortune was evident, shining through the snark and sarcasm.

I leaned over to gently prod her arm. "Oh hush, wasn't this so-called 'conspiracy' exactly according to your orchestration? I seem to recall someone 'accidentally' leaving us alone every possible moment to spark this romance..."

Uhn Yuhn lifted both hands innocently even as she finished chewing with obvious relish. "And are you not deliriously happy now with the lovesick Prince? You're both quite welcome for my helpful push—"

Her playful retort was interrupted then by light pattering footsteps heralding the approach of one of my junior attendants.

The girl skidded to a halt, cheeks flushed and chest heaving from exertion as she managed a quick bow.

"P-Princess...Wangsejabin!" she gasped out. "Deepest apologies...the Queen Grandmother...on her way presently...to call upon you!" The child swayed slightly even as she smiled proudly through labored breaths at completing her important task.

I fought to contain an instinctive bubble of laughter so as not to undermine her valiant effort. "Gently now, no need to suffocate on my account!" I soothed. "Though I do thank you sincerely for the advance notice, little one."

I gestured for her to approach the low table where Uhn Yuhn was already discreetly bundling up our shared indulgences out of sight. No need to trouble my grandmother-in-law over something so minor as sweets when her remedies of herbs, as disgusting as they were might I add...came from care.

As the snacks disappeared from view, I had a small stroke of inspiration. Turning to the beaming junior attendant I suggested kindly, "As reward for your speed, why not share some of these with the other palace girls?"

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