24장 || Echoes of ease

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Author's pov

The setting sun sang with an orange glow across Neeria's bedchamber as she slept fitfully, her face creased with unease even in slumber. Uhn Yuhn sat vigilantly by her friend's bedside, her own countenance etched with worry. She clasped Neeria's hand in her own.

Uhn Yuhn sat beside the bed, gazing worriedly at her friend's resting form. Neeria lay curled on her side, features softened by sleep yet still creased with remnants of pain.

Faint tremors occasionally coursed through Neeria's body, involuntary aftershocks of the anguish she had endured.

As Uhn Yuhn watched Neeria, diminished and vulnerable on the bed, a deep, slow-burning anger took root within her. The sight of one of the palace servants gently helping to change Neeria, while necessary, only heightened her sense of protectiveness. She watched as the physician concluded his examination, stepping out into the corridor to instruct a servant on further medicinal aids. She followed him outside, but almost immediately, he was summoned back into the room, urgency evident in the servant's hurried gestures.

Outside, Uhn Yuhn paced the corridor, her movements reflecting her inner turmoil. Her hands wrung together, intertwining in a nervous ballet as she walked back and forth. The sconces on the walls cast a dim light, stretching her shadow across the floor and walls, an eerie mirror to her growing anxiety. She occasionally paused, her ear tilted toward the door, straining to catch any sound from within that might give her a clue as to Neeria's condition.

When the physician finally emerged, his face was a canvas of worry and concern. Uhn Yuhn, her heart hammering in her chest, wasted no time. She approached him swiftly, her eyes demanding an explanation. "How is she?" she asked, her voice quivering with what was fear and hope.

The physician exhaled heavily, his eyes reflecting the weight of his professional duties. "Physically, Lady Neeria seems to be recovering," he began, his voice low and serious. But then his expression changed, signaling more troubling news. "However..." he trailed off, hesitating as if grappling with how to continue.

Uhn Yuhn's heart skipped a beat, bracing herself for the worst. "What complications?" she pressed, her voice barely more than a whisper.

The physician looked at her with a blend of detachment necessary for his role and a hint of personal concern. "I'm not sure if she told you, but it appears she may have been with child," he said, pausing as he glanced down, clearly troubled by the news. "And possibly lost it. Last we spoke, she was insistent on making sure the child is safe..." His voice faded, leaving a heavy silence between them.

Uhn Yuhn's reaction was subtle. She sat silent for a moment and then sighed, "You must be certain she is okay, you must be certain they both are okay. You are not here for uncertainties!" she exclaimed, her voice rising in a mixture of fear and anger.

Before the physician could respond, the sound of footsteps approached.

The Crown Prince was making his way down the silent palace corridor, a tray of food cradled carefully in his hands. A small, contented smile played on his lips as he pictured sharing this meal with Neeria, hoping to bring her some comfort and joy.

Rounding the corner, his smile faltered. Ahead, he caught sight of Uhn Yuhn hovering anxiously outside Neeria's chamber, her face etched with worry as she spoke with the palace physician. She looked distressed and uncomfortable.

Their grave expressions struck an ominous chord, marring the tranquility he had felt just moments before. His pace slowed as his eyes tracked a palace maid hurrying by, clutching a basin of water as she made for Neeria's room.

Then he noticed another servant emerging, arms full with a blood-stained hanbok. At the sight, foreboding seized the Crown Prince's heart in an icy grip.

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