1장 || Veil of Secrets

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The weather was subtly beginning to change, compared to the heat from her land, there was a cooler tint in the air on this new one. She looked around, as a brown leaf, unburdened by the restraint of its branch, poetically fluttered through the air, it was whimsically in its dance, before making a gentle journey to the soil beneath the unfamiliar feet of a young woman.

Her eyes imbued with a trance, gradually followed its descent, observing as it swayed to the serene rhythm of a whispering breeze before settling at the edge of her delicately adorned sandals. She was amused, at that moment though her face showed no response.

As she lifted her gaze, the distant sun, an omnipotent spectator, bestowed upon the land a cascade of gleaming tendrils, weaving a collection of light and shadow upon the scenery.

Her nostrils were gently caressed by an amalgamation of unfamiliar scents—flowers whose names were lost on her lips, the subtle sweetness of unknown fruits, and a faint, persistent undertow of salt from the distant sea, all conspiring to enthrall and bemuse her senses. Her fingers delicately pinched the fabric of her vibrant gown, as if to ground herself it was the only other familiarity she currently had amidst a sea of disconcerting novelty.

While the sun's brilliance enticed her, she shielded her eyes with a gentle, poised hand, permitting only morsels of its brilliance to grace her eyes, enough to unravel the playful dance of light upon the emerald leaves and shimmering waters. An ethereal glow suffused through the verdant veins of the foliage overhead, casting an intricate lattice of shadows upon her path.

Her passage did not go unnoticed. Pairs of eyes, hidden behind layers of silk, peered towards the strange, enchanting being who graced their world with her presence, an unsolicited, yet oddly bewitching interloper.

Her journey from the ship to this foreign soil, illuminated now by the tender morning light, had been one of silent solitude, the collective gaze of the Joseon court the first to truly acknowledge her existence in this strange new world.

The evening of her arrival was marked by isolation, with not a single soul venturing forth to welcome the unfamiliar visitor from a distant land. It wasn't their fault; if anything, she had hoped she'd have some time to herself.

"I guess we are early, Miss Neeria," one of the shipmates remarked, glancing out.

She merely nodded in response. "Would you like to wait here?" they asked. "We could fetch some food for the evening. They should be here for you by morning."

"That would be nice," she replied with a smile. She made her way to a corner of the ship, took out a book, and began to read, silently waiting for the dawn.

However, after immersing herself in the tales from her book for what felt like hours, Neeria felt a subtle restlessness settling in. She needed to stretch her legs. "I think I'll take a quick walk," she announced, closing her book and setting it aside.

One of the shipmates, swiftly volunteered, "I'll accompany you, Miss Neeria."

With a nod of appreciation, she stepped onto the docks. The nocturnal market was alive with an array of colors, sounds, and scents. Vendors hawked their wares, ranging from shimmering fabrics to aromatic spices. Locals haggled, musicians played traditional tunes, and children darted about, laughing and playing.

Neeria's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she took in the sights. There were many items she didn't recognize, fruits of shapes and shades she had never seen, and handicrafts of intricate detail and design.

The shipmate, noticing her interest, pointed out a few items, sharing tidbits of information he'd picked up from previous voyages. "That's a rare fruit from the southern islands," he explained, pointing at a vibrant purple produce. "Very sweet and juicy.

Veil of the Dusken Rose - #ambw  (18+)Where stories live. Discover now