28장 || Portraits in mountain tops

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The crown princes pov

I sat at my desk, thumbing slowly through a pile of trade agreements and correspondence. I had been searching in vain for valid justification to sever ties with Seongyeon, but thus far my efforts had borne little fruit.

I scrubbed a hand over my face, eyelids heavy from staring at parchment for untold hours. A light tap at the door announced the arrival of Scholar Hyun Seok.

"Enter," I called without glancing up, rolling my stiff neck from side to side. I set the documents down, pinching the bridge of my nose - a much needed conversation that I could put off no longer. 

As Seok approached to stand before me, I met his gaze directly for several long moments. "You have been at my side for some time now," I remarked.

Seok inclined his head. "I have indeed devoted myself to your service these many years, Jeoha." 

I remained silent, continuing to assess the man who had been teacher, mentor and advisor since my earliest days. When I spoke again, my words cut straight to the heart of the matter.

"Tell me- where exactly do your true loyalties lie?" 

He froze mid-bow, eyes blowing wide with shock. "Your Highness??" He straightened slowly, wringing his hands in agitation under my steady regard. 

"My sole loyalties are pledged to you and the Joseon throne, this I swear!" He hesitated, Adam's apple bobbing nervously. "Surely...surely you cannot doubt that after so long?"

I merely tilted my head, allowing his protestations to hang unchallenged between us. Somewhere in the deathly silent room, an water clock dripped loudly, making Seok flinch.

My face remained an impassive mask as I studied him.

"I only wonder if old...attachments...might color one's dedication," I continued mildly, casually resuming my page turning. Out of my periphery I saw him stiffen, brow softening.

When I looked directly at him again he seemed to have aged years in seconds, a mirthless chuckle escaping his lips. "Her. This is about Lady Jeongsun." He drew a shaking hand down his face and moved to warm himself at the paper-covered floor heating system.

The flickering oil lamps illuminated his haggard expression as he gazed down. "We were young. And deeply infatuated in the way only the young can be." His voice was gentle. He was vague in a way before his face rested.

With effort, scholar Seok pulled his eyes from the ground and faced me again. "But that affection perished long ago, Highness. You have my full devotion, this I swear on all our ancestors."

I studied him, letting the silence hang. "It didn't occur to me that you and Lady Jeongsun were once... so close." I kept my tone neutral. "I would've thought you had better taste."

He chuckled lightly as my face remained still, adjusting books about.

Seok paled, as his light chuckling softly turned bitter. "I can see. Might still have questions." He sighed, gazing out the window. "Lady Jeongsun and I were engaged once." His eyes took on a faraway sheen.

"I was originally introduced to her sister, the late queen. Rest her soul. But she declined the match, confessing Jeongsun harbored feelings for me. Not wanting to come between them, she stepped aside graciously."

He shook his head as if to clear it before meeting my scrutinizing look. "But that was many years past. Lady Jeongsun's ambitions took her eventually, I have only ever been faithful in my service to you."

I set aside the scroll I'd been reading and met Seok's gaze directly. "I ask because there are reports of you and Lady Jeongsun conversing from time to time over the years. Care to explain?"

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