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Neeria's pov

"Su-Jin..." I whispered, testing the lyrical name against my lips as I cradled my newborn son's downy head to my breast. "A long life...a rare and precious existence."

The characters felt auspicious, layered with hopeful possibilities for the tiny prince who had so recently joined our realm.

I gazed down into the unfocused eyes - two shimmering stones still learning to track movement and light. My thumb traced the perfectly pursed bow of his mouth, so identical to his father's.

"I'm pleased to finally make your acquaintance properly this time, little one," I murmured.

The last time we had met, his abrupt early arrival had allowed only the briefest introduction before nightmares swept him away. I'd like to think it really was him, as the woman I met in my dream had stated.

Regardless, I now had the blessing, and I drank my fill of memorizing each delicate feature and tiny mannerism, determined to eclipse the difficult memory of his birth.

Just then, Yi-San stepped closer, broad frame softly backlit by sunlight from the open window. He crossed muscular arms over an equally sturdy chest as he peered down at us with unconcealed wonder, the severe lines of kingship momentarily eased. I tilted my head quizzically up at him.

" What? You don't like it?" I asked.

He smiled while shaking his head. " Not there a name from your homeland that would suit him too, with a similar auspicious meaning?" He asked, his stare catching my own curiously.

I thought for a moment, my son's tiny fist curled trustingly around my finger. "Manoagbe?" I mused aloud, recalling a beloved elder from childhood who had lived nearly a century by divine grace.

Yi-San's brow furrowed. "What was that?" Blinking in endearing confusion.

I couldn't help but chuckle, shifting closer along the embroidered cushions of the settee. "Come, I shall coach you through the pronunciation."

Sounding out the lyrical name slowly, I grinned as my husband gamely attempted to echo the exotic vowels so unlike his tongue. I continued exaggerating the articulation as our swaddled infant fixed his father with a dubious stare, apparently judging such faltering efforts rather severely.

"Oh I do believe our little prince thinks you're utterly butchering the name," I ribbed playfully.

Yi-San's eyes crinkled with matching humor. "Well now, are those his own thoughts on the matter or his mother's teasing projections?" he shot back lightly before capturing my lips in a quick, tender kiss.

Rubbing his slightly bearded cheek fondly against mine, he winked down at our son's bemused face. "Perhaps that will aid my pronunciation attempts?"

When at last a passable echo of the exotic name emerged, I smiled in celebratory encouragement. "See, you've got it! And it means 'One who endures, one that lives again, and abides' - wonderfully fitting, for a nickname no?"

I watched intrigued as my husband and tiny son seemed to study one another in grave solemnity - gorgeous black eyes meeting black across the scant distance between them.

Two sets of elegant dark brows drawn together in contemplative focus until subtle smiles cracked both of their schooled expressions, mirrored reflections revealing themselves.

Unable to resist any longer, I relinquished the precious bundle fully into his father's waiting arms then. My breath caught at the tender image they created - Yi-San's large hand splaying across the child's back, thumb easily dwarfing our child's entire downy head where he cradled it so protectively.

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