35장 || Reflections in Ink

906 57 70

Author's pov

Golden snow morning light filtering into the bedchamber found the couple stirring amidst rumpled silk sheets. Yisan blinked awake slowly, a stretch accentuating lean muscle before he rolled to his side. Finding his future wife's sleepy gaze upon him, a smile curved his lips.

"Hello there, beauty," he murmured, capturing her small hand to press a kiss against the hammering pulse point in her wrist, never breaking the tender lock of their eyes.

Playfully he brushed his fingers along the sensitive plane of her palm in an unspoken reminder of past passions, even as his gaze reflected only selfless devotion and care for her wellbeing.

Neeria blinked back owlishly, a glow rising in her brown cheeks having little to do with dawn's encroaching warmth. As she slowly stretched, pleasant aches awakening in intimate places, she nodded her assent to the Crown Prince's softly spoken question about preparing a bath.

The thought was immensely appealing - a chance to unwind any lingering soreness in the comfort of Yisan's doting company.

Through lashes that acted like a delicate curtain, her eyes lingered on his form as he stood. She couldn't help but admire the fluid grace in his movements, still so apparent despite their earlier energetic exertions.

After conveying orders for a steaming tub and oils to be fetched promptly, ensuring their needs would be seen to without delay, Yisan returned to the wide canopied bed, utterly in his element caring for Neeria's comforts.

Unable to help herself Neeria trailed delicate fingertips along his sharp collarbones as he leaned over her, coaxing him to steal a few more sweet moments along her cheek. Eyes shining, he obliged, savoring her waking sighs.

Soon after a knock preceded servants arriving to convey that the bathing chamber was prepared at their behest, steaming tub filled with gently scented water.

Yisan called for them to wait as Neeria made to rise. "Careful." He stated softly. He swept her smoothly up into his arms as if she weighed nothing, her own looping around his neck as she nestled close.

He carried her through the connecting doors the attending servants held open. Warm moisture laden air wreathed them both as Yisan gently knelt to let Neeria's feet touch the heated marble. He gestured permission for the small procession to approach with towels and oils before dismissing them just as swiftly.

"We shall call if anything further is needed." His tone brooked no argument. With deep bows, the parade of aids retreated silently. Yisan turned back to his wife, a playful glint rising behind the banked heat in his eyes.

Neeria sighed blissfully as Yisan's hands slid her robes from her shoulders, the silk whispering down her skin. She shivered slightly, leaning back into his sturdy strength.

His voice was a rumble against her ear. "After you, my love."
She stepped carefully into the sunken tub, toes tentative against the heated marble before sinking with another sigh into the fragrant water.

Attendants had laced the steaming bath with subtle notes of medicinal herbs and sweet flowers to aid relaxation. Now those restorative essences enveloped Neeria, the tension of the prior night's passions dissolving.

She drifted back as Yisan joined her amidst swirling eddies, the ripples carrying healing to them both. He settled against the bath's curved edge so she could recline pillowed against the solid comfort of his chest, water lapping gently around them.

As the permeating warmth seeped into muscle and bone, they traded lazy conversation and soft laughter, voices chanting sweetly off stone walls wreathed in moist air. Pruned fingertips trailed whisper-light along goosefleshed skin beneath the water line, relearning each beloved plane and curve.

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