52: Talking And Doing

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It had been a while since me and Namu had started hanging out now, and I found myself enjoying his company a lot even though it was difficult for me to reign in my urges.

He'd said he wanted me to be honest with him though, so today I was going to talk to him about it.

Me and him were per now just friends who sometimes kissed, but I did still find myself wanting to do more even though I had the feeling he probably didn't want to yet.

But I could at least tell him so he knew where I was at, and maybe he could give me some clues as to what he thought I should do about it.

I hadn't gone this long without having sex with someone for years, and I felt myself getting to the point where I needed to ask him if it would be okay if I at least had someone give me a blowjob.

Not having sex for so long had turned me back into what I was like as a teenager, raging with hormones that demanded relief.

Masturbating did help a little, but there was just nothing like doing it with someone else.

And as I was welcomed into Namu's place and he motioned for me to bend down so he could kiss me, I couldn't help but get a little excited.

Even though it only lasted a few seconds, I'd managed to chub up quite a bit, my body feeling like it'd been lit on fire.

Namu seemed to notice that something was up, probably because I was bright red, and he looked up at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"What's going on with you today?" He asked, and I tugged at my sweater to try to make it cover my crotch properly, embarrassed that I'd gotten hard from a very non-sexual kiss.

"Um.. I— I need to talk to you about something." I stuttered as I took my shoes off. "Can we like— go sit in your couch?"

"Yes, we can sit in my couch." Namu giggled, leading the way into his apartment, opening the door into the living room, a curious Gyul appearing in front of us.

The dog sniffed at my legs and rubbed her head against them to greet me, and I let her smell my hand like usual before petting her a little.

"H-Hi there, Gyulie." I greeted back, feeling nervous when she was sniffing at me as I had no idea whether dogs could pick up on horniness or not.

And I was practically exploding with it, so as Gyul didn't seem to be suspicious of me I figured she couldn't tell.

I followed Namu over and let him get over into his couch and settled first before I sat down next to him.

His couch was small and I didn't have much of a choice in how close we were going to be sitting, so I hoped he wasn't going to be uncomfortable if he ended up figuring out that I was quite excited.

Namu turned towards me, opening his arms. "Can we cuddle, or is it a bad time considering you have something to tell me?"

"Oh, um— No, I can do both at the same time. Do you want me to— uh.."

I didn't know where he wanted me or what to do to position us into some kind of a nice cuddle, but Namu noticed me struggling and helped lead me closer.

In the end, he'd made me lay in his arms with my head on his chest, and it made me happy to be the one in his arms for once.

Most of the time, I'd been the one who'd held around him like this, but it was pretty damn nice reversing the roles too.

He had strong arms, and I felt safe in them, hearing his heart beat in his chest.

It calmed me, and as not being able to see his face took some of the nerves away, I was ready to talk to him.

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