8: Be Mine

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{🎵 Beautiful Feeling - Day6}

Christopher Bang was never really a man who cared for big special events.

But his boyfriend Felix definitely was.

So for this proposal, he'd have to go big.

I had heard this from him and thought it was ridiculous, Felix wouldn't care as long as it was him, but he insisted on going all out.

So he'd hired a boat, a private chef and brought along his guitar.

He'd also arranged for fireworks to light up in the sky, asking the man to marry him.

Of course he'd forced me to come as well as he needed someone to film for YouTube, and once we were on the boat he made me cram into a small corner so I wouldn't be seen by Felix.

"Ow— hyung, why do I have to sit here? As your cameraman, I think I deserve better treatment—" I whined, shifting around as it was uncomfortable sitting in said small corner.

"Hold on— would a pillow help?" Chris asked, and I nodded with a pout.

He headed off to get one for me, and I felt a little more comfortable once it was placed under me.

"How long will it be until Lix gets here?" I was trying to adjust the camera settings, but it was a little difficult since I needed to test on the actual scene with people in it.

"Um—" Chris glanced at his watch, then back at me. "About 5 minutes? Unless he's late, which I hope he won't be. I just.. want everything to be perfect." The man smiled, seeming surprisingly calm for a moment like this.

"I'm sure it will be, hyung. By the way, um.. what do you want me to do when I'm done recording? Like— do you want me to try to leave without Lixie seeing me or do you want me to come say hi before going?" I looked at him, secretly hoping it would be the latter as I wanted to be the first to congratulate them.

"Oh— yeah, you can come say hi to him if you'd like. Then we could get the camera back as well, but— after that, It'd be nice if you could give us some privacy. We'll get you back to land as well, of course."

I smiled. "Okay, thanks! I'll do my best to film."

"Also, could you just sit down over there for a moment please? I need to test the camera." I motioned towards where him and Felix would be seated during the dinner and proposal, and he headed over so I could do a test shot.

But just as I'd finished adjusting everything to the best of my ability, someone rushed into frame.

"We've got eyes on your man." They told Chris, making him get up and take a deep breath before leaving me to my own devices yet again.

I tried to listen to find out when they would be coming, but it took a little while before I could hear either of them.

"Chris, are you serious? Are we really going on a boat??" Felix sounded happy, and I smiled thinking about his excited expression.

"Yeah. I figured it would be a little like back home in Australia, I remember you've told me that you went out on boats with your family a lot."

"Hyung, you're so sweet.."

The two finally came into my line of sight, and they were holding around each other as Chris led Felix over to the cushioned seating area.

Both men looked happy, and I felt happy for them too.

I knew Chris had been thinking about this for a while now, so I bet he was excited to finally get to propose.

I pressed record just as the waiter came over to the couple, deciding they could leave out any material they didn't want in anyway.

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