37: Room For Two

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"Jisung— Jisung-ah!" I panted, out of breath as I called out for my best friend.

I finally caught up to him after sprinting the rest of the way, jumping onto the bus right before the doors closed.

With no idea where Jisung was off to, I followed him over to where he had sat down, having to grab onto a pole to keep my balance as the bus started driving.

"Han Jisung, didn't— didn't you hear me call your name? Asshole." I laughed softly, sitting down next to him.

Jisung looked quite surprised to see me, having to yank his earbuds out quickly as he couldn't hear what I was saying.

"What? Hyung, w-why are you— here? How did you.. find me?"

I grinned at him, slipping my hand into his.

"I kind of stalked you through your Instagram stories. Figured you'd be done at work by now, but when I was heading over to yours, I saw you walk towards the bus stop. So, of course, I followed you."

Jisung looked at me with a suspicious expression. "And.. why were you coming over? You didn't tell me you were going to. Is that going to be a new trend with you, not letting me know that you're coming to see me?"

"Um, well—" I giggled, leaning against Jisung a bit, my thumb brushing over the side of his. "I was in a rush, and I was so excited to tell you about some news that— I forgot to let you know. Are you.. busy? Because I can leave, I just.. thought I should tell you about this as soon as possible."

He smiled softly at me, obviously appreciating the touch. "No, no.. I'm not busy, I guess. Can you tell me the news, then? Because I kind of will be a little busy after I get off this bus."

"Oh, where are you going? I thought you said you didn't usually like doing things after getting off work late, and especially not going out in public. And I've also never seen you take this bus before."

I was just curious, but felt a little bad for being so interrogative when I saw his smile drop.

"Sorry, I.. I didn't mean to dig around. Even though I'm your best friend, I don't wanna invade if you don't wanna tell me." I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze, turning a little in my seat to face him more.

"It's okay, no worries, hyung. Can you just.. tell me the news instead?"

I nodded, my smile growing into a grin.

"So.. I have a surprise for you. My boss told me today that I'll be going off to Japan for a bit! He says I don't have to lay as low over there, and I'll be able to do more work while I'm in Japan because of it. And.. he told me that I was allowed to bring someone because— well, the company felt a little bad for shipping me off all by myself to basically get the attention off me, so to make things easier for me while I'm away from my home, they paid for two people to stay together, which means I can bring a friend. So I was wondering, would you wanna come with me to Japan?"

I was excited, hoping he would agree because we'd always talked about going on vacation together, and we were both very into anime, manga and sushi as well as a lot of other Japanese culture and food, which meant Japan was somewhere we'd both wanted to visit.

"Wait— what? Your work is providing you a trip to Japan and you get to bring a plus one?? Hyung, that's awesome!" Jisung was smiling again now, his eyes all sparkly as he looked at me. "How— How long are you gonna be staying?"

"Two weeks, I think they said? If it's too long for you to stay you could always go home earlier, though. I just.. really want you there for a little while, at least."

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