57: Adjusting

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I whistled a tune where I stood, kind of spacing out as I was watching some eggs fry in a pan.

I'd woken up just half an hour ago, even though I couldn't really say I'd slept properly at all.

I had spent most of my night laying awake and watching over Yoonbin, who had insisted that we sleep in the same bed.

And I wasn't about to tell him no, I'd do anything to make sure he felt safe, especially during the first night with me.

But now I was up for the day, and I had decided to make breakfast, even though it was closer to lunch time.

Skye had texted me a few hours ago asking if she could come over and have breakfast with us and prepare to talk to the police officers again, and I though that sounded like a nice idea.

Yoonbin was still sleeping, so I hadn't been able to ask him, but I hoped he wouldn't mind that it wouldn't be just me and him.

Hopefully he would get to stay here with me though, and once we'd get that settled, me and him were going to be able to spend some relaxing time together.

I turned down the heat on the stovetop as the eggs were finished frying, letting them sit there while I continued to prepare the rest of the breakfast.

Skye soon texted me that she was at my door, not wanting to ring the doorbell in case it would startle or wake up Yoonbin, and I thought that was very considerate of her.

I made sure nothing in the kitchen would burn while I went to open, and then made my way to the door.

We shared a smile as we saw each other, and I closed the door behind her quietly once she was inside.

"How was the night?" She asked me, quick to take her shoes and jacket off and follow me into the kitchen.

She sat down onto a bar stool, looking over at me while waiting for my reply.

"For Yoonbin it seemed to have gone well. He's been sleeping really soundly, I know because I was up watching him all night." I yawned, hoping I'd have an easier time sleeping tonight.

"Innie.." Skye pouted softly, even though she knew that there was nothing to do about the fact that I just couldn't sleep sometimes. "I'm glad Yoonbin didn't have any problems, though. I bet he feels much safer here with you.."

I nodded softly. "I hope so."

And just then, we heard the soft pitter-patter of feet against the floor, both of us turning towards the noise.

"Uncle?" A quiet voice said, and not even a second later, Yoonbin appeared from behind the bedroom door.

"Good morning~" I chimed, approaching him slowly to greet him, wearing a smile.

"Goo'mornin.." The boy replied shyly, waddling over to me and making grabby hands.

I picked him up, heading over to the bar stools and sitting down on the one next to Skye.

"How are you feeling today, buddy?" I asked, noticing Yoonbin was sneaking glances at the food I'd made.

"Hungry.." He replied, and I had to let out a little chuckle at how cute and direct he was.

"Then let's get your little tummy some yummy food. Would you like to sit on this chair and wait here next to auntie Skye while I get you a plate?"

Yoonbin nodded softly, and although he seemed a little pouty about being set down, he let me go plate him some food.

I tried to be quick, but seeing as I didn't own any kids' cutlery, cups or plates, I had to make do with normal ones.

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