11: Friends And Flirts

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{🎵 You & Me - LUCY}

"Hey bestie~" Jisung flung his arms around me with a giggle, and I pretended to act surprised.

"Oh, didn't see you there—"

He clapped his hands in joy, and my smile grew wider at his cuteness. "Good, because I was really trying to be stealthy this time! I even hid behind the lamp post—"

"Yeah, because that's gonna do so much to hide your buff bod." I laughed breathily as Jisung's mouth formed an offended looking 'o', the man hitting my arm lightly.

"Stop talking about my body, perv!" He said jokingly, but still pouted at me, covering his chest with his hands in fear that I would grope it like I'd done many times before. "Let's go to your silly café, then. Show me the way, cat butler!"

And so I did, taking his hand into my own, leading him down the street to a cosy little coffee-and-cat place called "The Cat Butler".

Ever since I'd brought him here the first time, he'd insisted that they had named the place after me, and kept referring to me as 'cat butler' whenever I mentioned cats.

Sure, I was willing to do basically anything for the happiness of my small creatures, but I wouldn't call myself a butler.

"Oh, Minho-hyung! You brought your friend again?" The young man standing behind the counter said, waving at us.

His name was Yongtae, as far as I could remember.

I'd visited this place frequently for a while now since it was close to my apartment and had a really nice atmosphere, as well as the best cheesecake I had ever tasted.

Watching and interacting with the cats there was also a neat bonus, especially when I missed my own little piggies.

And even though Jisung didn't agree that the cheesecake was the best ever, he still liked coming with me as I would treat him to a slice paired with iced americano.

It was sort of becoming a tradition now.

But seeing as I was the one who came here the most, this guy had learned my name from every time I ordered.

A few times a week, "Iced americano and cheesecake for Minho!" could be heard throughout the small café.

But as my order was called out today, my eyes widened in surprise.

Because instead of the usual calling of my name, the man behind the counter referred to me as 'the cat butler'.

"Huh?" I exclaimed, a little flustered as I got up and approached the barista.

Me and Jisung were the only two customers right now, so it couldn't be anyone else's order.

He smiled brightly, eyes round and full of youthful spirit. "Since you come here so often, you must feel a connection to this place somehow! Maybe that means you're a true cat butler? I've overheard you talking to your friend about your own cats, you seem very fond of them, so we'd be honoured to have you as the official cat butler of our café! Don't worry, there's no actual work involved. It'll just be a fun title we get to use!"

I stared at him for a good few seconds, trying to process this.

"Um, thank you? I don't really understand why you'd want me of all people, but— I guess I accept. I'll be your cat butler."

Jisung giggled where he sat at our usual table, and I soon realized he had something to do with this.

"Great!" Yongtae helped me bring our order to the table, sharing a knowing look with Jisung. "I'll leave you two to your date, then. Thank you for always coming back, Cat-Butler hyung!"

{𝙼𝚢 𝚂𝚞𝚗 - 𝙼𝙸𝙽𝚂𝚄𝙽𝙶}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat