25: Two Is Better Than One

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The men looked back at me and Jisung with smirks on their lips.

"H-Hyung, what are.. they going to do?" I heard Jisung whisper, he seemed terrified.

I was a bit scared too, I had no idea what those two fools would try to do.

But I was more worried for Jisung than myself because I was used to fighting, I'd been in more fights than I could count due to my.. past.

So as the men approached us, I tried to aim for the guy who was going towards Jisung first, punching him straight in the jaw before being tackled by the other guy.

This one was apparently called Kyuhyun, and he was quite heavy.

His body landed on top of mine as we hit the floor, and he tried to trap my head so he could knock me out, but I was faster.

I bit the hand that was covering my mouth, making him jump backwards in pain.

Then I managed to push him off me, kicking him in the balls to give me some time and getting up from the floor.

But as I looked around, the second guy had disappeared and so had Jisung.

I was about to leave the area to try to figure out where they'd went, but then I heard rustling and muffled noises from one of the changing rooms.

The curtain was moving and I could tell it was being hit by flailing limbs, and I knew they had to be in there.

I stormed over and opened the curtain, meeting eyes with the man who had taken Jisung.

"Shit." He said, seeing my seething eyes as I noticed his pants were undone and his dick was out.

He'd pinned Jisung to the floor with his legs, and stuffed a handkerchief into his mouth to
keep him shut.

And before even thinking twice, I punched the guy's face again, much harder this time.

He was sent crashing into the mirror so hard that it rattled, making him pass out and slide down onto the floor beside Jisung.

Said man was looking scared for his life, and understandably so as he'd been sexually assaulted just then.

His eyes were squeezed shut and his cheeks were wet with tears, shaking in fear.

I noticed Jisung's pants were also undone, and it seemed like the top he was wearing had been ripped from Jisung struggling to get away.

I quickly pulled Jisung up to sit, getting him out of the changing room, holding him close in a hug and letting him cry in my arms after getting the handkerchief out of his mouth.

"Sungie, I-I'm so sorry." I whispered, rubbing big circles into his back, rocking him comfortingly in my hold.

He didn't reply which was fully understandable, he was probably in shock after this.

But what I hadn't noticed was that the guy I'd left on the floor earlier had gotten back up and was approaching us again.

Jisung had seen him come towards us, but he couldn't speak due to shock, so all he managed to get out was a gasp before he started to squirm.

I didn't know what was wrong or why Jisung was so suddenly stressed again, and I didn't know until something hit my head, hard.

It felt like a fist, but it could have been a foot or a knee for all I knew.

The impact knocked me out, the world going black around me.


My ears rung loudly as I returned to reality, vision blurry as I blinked my eyes open.

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