39: Always

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I'd been prepared to feel a little jealous as I knew I'd be able to hear certain things even from the other room, but I hadn't thought it would result in such an intense feeling.

I was trying my very best to focus on the show that was playing on my laptop, the whole reason I'd set it up was to distract me, but it wasn't working too well.

The jealousy stung deep inside my heart, leaving me to pout and sink deeper into the tub.

It felt like they had been going at it for ages to me, and I was getting tired.

Right now, I was regretting telling Jisung it was okay to bring someone back here, because I just wanted to curl up into bed and rest my tired body and mind.

Their moans had started becoming annoying to me, feeling like a needle poking my brain every time they made any noise, and so I put my hands over my ears to hopefully mute them out.

It only worked halfway, and as I didn't know how to stop the noise from making my head hurt, I teared up.

Before I knew it, salty liquid was streaming down my cheeks, and I screwed my eyes closed as well in a desperate attempt to stop the pain.

I sat like that for a good while, my body rocking restlessly back and forth in the tub, making the water slosh around.

Even that noise was annoying to me, but I just had to get over it because there was no way I could sit still when I felt this distressed.

I was upset, not only because their voices were echoing inside my head, sounding a thousand times louder than I knew they were, but also because I felt like such a bad friend for acting like this when I had originally said it was okay.

I hated that I couldn't just suck it up and ignore it and try to remind myself that there was no reason for me to be jealous, but my mind was too overwhelmed to take those things into consideration.

And while I was still in that state of distress, mind filled with a cloudy mess of feelings, I hadn't realized that the noises had actually stopped a while ago and that the bathroom door had been opened.

My body flinched in surprise as I felt a hand on my shoulder, immediately dropping my hands down and stopping the rocking I had been doing even though I really didn't want to stop, but I couldn't do that in front of anyone.

I tried to blink my eyes open as fast as they would let me, and soon I was met with Jisung's concerned looking face.

"What's going on? You look like you've seen a ghost.." He mumbled, letting his arm slip gently over my skin, petting my arm.

I just pouted, my brain wasn't working and wouldn't let me open my damn mouth right now, which meant I had no way of telling him what was wrong.

We kind of just stared at each other for a few seconds before Jisung caught on to the fact that I wasn't speaking, and his gaze turned even more concerned when he realized.

"Hyung.. Is it because of me?"

I shrugged, it was kind of because of him but also because of the other guy.

"Did it have anything to do with me at all?"

This time I nodded.

Jisung frowned, wrapping his arms around me to hug me. "I'm sorry.. I knew it would be a bad idea bringing someone here. Were we too loud?"

I bobbed my head softly.

"Oh, no.. I kind of forgot in the moment that that could be an issue. I feel bad that I wasn't more considerate of you, hyungie. Can I do anything to make it up to you?"

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