14: Good Times

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"Yongtae..? Tiger, are you asleep?" I giggled softly, the movie we had watched was just finished and it seemed like Yongtae had either spaced out where he laid in my arms, or he was sleeping.

It was pretty late so I couldn't blame him, but he hadn't brushed his teeth or done anything to get ready for bed, so I'd feel a little guilty if I didn't at least suggest it to him.

But as I thought about what to do, I noticed he was shifting around a bit.

"Mm.." He let out a yawn, tilting his head up to look at me through half-closed eyes. "Can we.. go to bed now, hyungie?"

His words sounded slurred, and I thought he might have had a little too much to drink.

Luckily I had quite the tolerance, so I could take care of him if I had to.

Yongtae dipped his head back down before even getting a reply from me, face-planting in my tit.

"Let's get to bed, yeah." I smiled fondly, he was cute drunk.

"Thank you, 'm.. 'm appreciate you, hyung.." He kept mumbling and didn't seem to be trying to move on his own, so I figured I had to help him out.

"Can I carry you to bed, Yongtae-ah? I promise I'll be careful."

He nodded enthusiastically. "Mhm."

After getting his permission, I got up from
the couch and picked him up bridal style.

His head plopped right back down against my chest, and I let him continue to rest there as he seemed comfortable.

Once we were inside the bathroom, I sat him down on the toilet lid.

"You should brush your teeth. Can you do that by yourself?"

"Mm, yeah. I can do it. But hyung.. you don't have a toothbrush..?"

I went and got his toothbrush, putting toothpaste on it for him before returning. "Here. And no, I don't. But— it's fine, I'll brush my teeth once I get back home tomorrow."

But Yongtae didn't seem to agree with that, tugging at my shirt. "Sit down?"

So I got down on my knees on the bathroom floor, and Yongtae looked at me fondly.

"Say aah!" He giggled, and my cheeks turned red as I realized what he wanted to do.

In worry that not doing as he said would upset him, I opened my mouth and let him stick the toothbrush in.

His other hand held under my chin to stabilize himself, wearing a cute focused expression as he brushed my teeth for me.

I hadn't had anyone do this to me since I was a child, and to be honest it kind of made me relive those happy times.

It was actually not too bad having my teeth brushed by someone else, even if he was drunk.

The weirdest thing about it was the fact that he allowed me to use his toothbrush, and even though we had kissed with tongue a few times, this was definitely going to make sure his saliva was in my mouth and vice versa.

Yongtae soon finished brushing my teeth, pecking my nose once he was done. "Good— job!" He grinned, hiccuping a bit.

I got up and headed towards the sink to spit out the toothpaste and rinse my mouth, also bringing the toothbrush so I could clean that off for him to use as well.

And it did take some work to get him to want to brush his teeth, but eventually he let me when I said I could do it for him like he'd done for me.

Once we had finished the bathroom routine, I picked him back up and took the man to his bedroom.

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