16: I'm Here For You

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"That hyung.."

I had just hung up the phone after a worrying phone call with Minho, and even if he said he was okay, I didn't feel like he was being honest.

Maybe if I hadn't told him I was with my boyfriend, he would have admitted that he wanted some comfort.

But I couldn't force him to talk or to come here.

So even if it hurt to know he was hurting, I decided to just keep my phone close by, heading back to Jihoon.

"Who was that?" He asked, making grabby hands for me.

I sat down, letting him hug me close and pull me in to rest my head on his chest. "One of my friends. He seemed upset, and.. now I'm worried."

Jihoon ran a hand through my hair, petting me gently. "What was he upset about? I mean— it's not my business, but it might lighten the load on you to tell someone else if you're worried. You know I won't go talking about it, and besides, I don't even know the guy. There's no reason for me to tell anyone else."

I saw his point, maybe it would make me feel a little less worried to talk it through with him.

It was at least a very generous offer, he didn't have to sit and listen to my friend's problems, but he seemed to want to help.

"He just.. had a bad time with his girlfriend again. He said she usually demands something back every time she does something nice, and that she had insulted him and our friends again. Everyone in our friend group thinks he should break up with her, but we know it's hard for him. He's worried that she'll get really angry and try to punish him in some way because— she's like, really rich and powerful."

Jihoon let out a sigh, I knew this was a lot to take in.

"Breaking up sounds like a good idea for them. Cuz— if you stay in a relationship because you're scared to end it, it's bound to crash down on you eventually. You can't just live in a relationship that doesn't work out forever, it's better to rip the band-aid off. But— of course, I don't know either of them, so.."

"No, I agree with you. I've been in that situation before. Maybe not the exact same since I never date like, super powerful people, but— I still had to break up with someone who had issues controlling their temper. It wasn't easy, but it had to be done when I realized we were never going to work out."

Jihoon tilted my head up a bit, pressing a peck to my forehead. "Hopefully your friend figures it out. Now, what was the reason you're so worried about him? Is his girlfriend abusive so he could have gotten hurt?"

I smiled softly at him, he was really so caring and cute.

Snuggling back into his chest, I brushed my hand down his side and traced shapes into it, glad to be in his embrace.

"I'm worried about him because he sounded distressed. And he said that she'd insulted him, which usually means she said pretty nasty things, but he always downplays how bad it is when he tells us about it. Also.. I just have this feeling that he wasn't telling me everything because I mentioned I was with you. He probably didn't want to interrupt our time together.." I pouted, feeling a little bad that I hadn't just told him I'd come get him.

I could see Jihoon another day, but Minho had needed my help and I hadn't been there.

"That's.. very selfless of him. But— if you're worried about him, you could have just invited him here. I don't mind, me and you can have alone time again some other day."

"I tried to, but he dismissed the offer. That's why I thought he might have felt like he shouldn't invade our hangout. But— maybe if you tell him it's okay as well, he might be less reluctant to come over?"

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