Fun Story #28: Samhain festival celebration with Celtic gods.

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Morrigan, the Celtic goddess of war, death, fate, and sovereignty, had a rare moment of boredom. She had seen enough battles, bloodshed, and carnage for a while, and she craved something different. She decided to take a break from her divine duties and join in on the Samhain festival, the most important celebration of the year for her people.

She disguised herself as a young woman, wearing a simple dress and a cloak. She adorned herself with some jewelry and painted her face with red and black symbols. She hoped to blend in with the crowd and enjoy the festivities without drawing too much attention.

She arrived at the site of the festival, where a huge bonfire was burning brightly. She smelled the aroma of roasted meat, baked bread, and spiced cider. She heard the sound of music, laughter, and chanting. She felt the warmth of the fire and the excitement of the people.

She wandered around, observing the various activities and rituals. She saw people carving turnips or pumpkins into lanterns, wearing costumes or masks to ward off evil spirits, playing games or pranks to test their luck, and performing divination or magic to glimpse their future.

She was amused by some of the things she saw, such as a man dressed as a stag being chased by a group of women dressed as hounds, or a woman throwing an apple peel over her shoulder to see the initial of her future husband.

She was also intrigued by some of the things she heard, such as a bard telling stories of heroes and gods, or a druid reciting poems of prophecy and praise.

She decided to join in on some of the fun. She approached a stall where a woman was selling nuts and apples. She bought some and asked the woman if she knew any games or tricks with them.

The woman smiled and said, "Of course, there are many ways to use these fruits for entertainment or enlightenment. For example, you can roast two nuts on the fire and name them after yourself and your lover. If they burn quietly together, it means you are well matched. If they crack or jump apart, it means you are incompatible."

Morrigan nodded and said, "That sounds interesting. Let me try it." She took two nuts from her bag and placed them on a metal plate over the fire. She named one after herself and one after the Dagda, her husband and the chief god.

She watched as the nuts began to sizzle and smoke. She expected them to burn peacefully together, as they had been married for a long time and had a good relationship. However, to her surprise, the nut named after the Dagda suddenly exploded with a loud bang, sending sparks flying in all directions.

The woman gasped and said, "Oh dear, that's not a good sign. It means your lover is unfaithful or dishonest."

Morrigan frowned and said, "That's impossible. The Dagda is loyal and truthful. He would never betray me or lie to me."

The woman shrugged and said, "Well, maybe he has changed his mind or his heart. Maybe he has found someone else who suits him better. Maybe he has secrets he is hiding from you."

Morrigan felt a surge of anger and jealousy. She wondered if the woman was right. She wondered if the Dagda had fallen out of love with her or fallen in love with someone else. She wondered if he had done something behind her back that would hurt her or dishonor her.

She decided to confront him and find out the truth. She thanked the woman for her service and left the stall. She looked around for the Dagda's presence or sign. She knew he was also attending the festival in disguise, as he often did.

She spotted him near another stall, where a young girl was selling cakes and pies. He was talking to her with a friendly smile on his face. He was wearing a simple tunic and a cloak. He had disguised himself as an old man with a long beard and a staff.

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