Fun Story #2: A'akuluujjusi the Angel of Creation.

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In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. He also created many angels to serve him and praise him. Among them was A'akuluujjusi, a beautiful and powerful angel who had a special gift of creativity. God loved A'akuluujjusi and entrusted her with a great task: to create the animals that would populate the earth.

A'akuluujjusi was overjoyed and eager to fulfill her mission. She flew down to the earth and saw that it was vast and diverse. She decided to start with the northern regions, where the land was covered with snow and ice. She thought that these places needed some life and warmth.

She took some of her clothes and threw them on the ground. As they touched the earth, they transformed into different kinds of animals. She made polar bears, seals, foxes, wolves, rabbits, and many more. She admired her work and smiled.

Then she had an idea. She wanted to make some animals that were unique and special. She took a pair of trousers and a coat and shaped them into two large creatures. She gave one of them long tusks and the other one antlers. She named them caribou and walrus.

She was proud of her creations, but she soon realized that they were too dangerous for each other and for any potential hunters. She decided to swap their features and make them more suitable for their environment. She took the tusks from the caribou and gave them to the walrus. She took the antlers from the walrus and gave them to the caribou.

She looked at them again and saw that they were better now. The walrus could use its tusks to break the ice and defend itself from predators. The caribou could use its antlers to fight for mates and food. She was satisfied with her changes, but she noticed that the caribou was still too fast for any hunter to catch.

She thought of a way to slow it down a bit. She took some of its belly hair and turned it against the wind. This made the caribou feel colder and heavier, so it had to run slower. She thought that this was fair enough for both the caribou and the hunter.

She finished her work in the north and flew back to heaven. She reported to God what she had done and showed him her animals. God was pleased with A'akuluujjusi's work and praised her for her creativity and skill.

"Well done, my faithful servant," God said to her. "You have made beautiful animals that will fill the earth with life and joy. I am proud of you."

"Thank you, my Lord," A'akuluujjusi said, bowing before him. "It was an honor to serve you."

God smiled at her and said, "I have another task for you, A'akuluujjusi. I want you to create a special kind of people who will live in harmony with your animals in the north. They will be your children, and you will be their mother."

A'akuluujjusi was surprised and delighted by God's words. She asked him, "What kind of people do you want me to create, my Lord?"

God said, "They will be called Inuit, which means 'the people'. They will be strong, brave, wise, and kind. They will respect your animals and use them for food, clothing, shelter, and tools. They will also respect each other and their elders. They will have a rich culture and a deep spirituality. They will love you as their mother, and you will love them as your children."

A'akuluujjusi felt a warm glow in her heart as she listened to God's description of the Inuit people. She said, "I will do as you wish, my Lord. I will create the Inuit people with all my love."

God said, "Go then, A'akuluujjusi, and create your children. I will bless them and watch over them."

A'akuluujjusi thanked God again and flew down to the earth for the second time. She went to different parts of the north: Greenland, Labrador, Quebec, Nunavut, the Northwest Territories, Alaska. She took some of her hair and breathed life into it. As she did so, she created men and women who looked like her: dark-haired, brown-eyed, round-faced.

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