Fun Story #11: Peter and MJ: A Different Deal With A Different Entity.

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A/N: A reminder that this takes place in Marvel Comics. This isn't a crossover between Marvel Comics and Greek Mythology. This is based on the research I did about the Marvel Comics version of Gaea. So pay attention!

Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson were desperate. They had tried everything to save Aunt May's life, but nothing worked. The doctors said she had only hours left, and there was no hope. They had even gone to Doctor Strange, the Sorcerer Supreme, but he could not help them either. He said that Aunt May's fate was sealed by a bullet that was meant for Peter, and that the only way to change it would be to alter the very fabric of reality.

But there was one more option. A dark and dangerous one. Doctor Strange had warned them not to do it, but they had no choice. They had to make a deal with Mephisto, the lord of lies and evil. He had appeared to them in a fiery vision, offering them a bargain. He would save Aunt May's life, but in exchange, he would erase their marriage from history. He would make it so that they had never been husband and wife, and that they would never remember their love for each other.

Peter and MJ were horrified by this offer, but they loved Aunt May too much to let her die. They agreed to meet Mephisto at his infernal realm, where he would perform the ritual. They held each other's hands, knowing that it would be the last time they would ever feel each other's touch.

They arrived at Mephisto's domain, a twisted and hellish landscape of fire and pain. Mephisto greeted them with a wicked smile, holding a contract in his hand. He told them to sign it, and their deal would be done. He said that he would give them one more day to spend with Aunt May, and then he would rewrite their past.

Peter and MJ looked at each other, tears in their eyes. They knew they had no choice, but they also knew they were making a terrible mistake. They hesitated, hoping for a miracle.

And then, a miracle happened.

A bright light shone from above, piercing through the dark clouds of Mephisto's realm. A voice echoed in their minds, a voice of wisdom and compassion.

"Stop! Do not sign that contract!"

Peter and MJ looked up, and saw a woman descending from the sky. She was beautiful and radiant, with long dark hair and green eyes. She wore an emerald cloak and a hood on her head. She was surrounded by animals and plants, and she emanated a warm and gentle aura.

 She was surrounded by animals and plants, and she emanated a warm and gentle aura

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She landed in front of them, and smiled kindly.

"Hello, Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson. I am Gaea, the Elder Goddess of Earth and Mother of Pantheons."

Peter and MJ were stunned. They recognized her name from one of their conversations with Thor, the Germanic God of Thunder and one of Peter's friends in the Avengers. They had heard stories about Gaea, how she was the mother of all life on Earth, how she had given birth to many gods and goddesses from different cultures, how she had protected Earth from many threats over the eons.

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