Story Idea #4: Jord vs Gryla.

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Jord was walking through the snowy woods, enjoying the crisp air and the silence of nature. She loved the earth and all its creatures, and felt a deep connection with them. She was the mother of Thor, the god of thunder, and one of Odins' sexual partners, the chief of the Aesir, but she preferred to live in solitude among the wilds.

As she walked, she heard a faint cry in the distance. It sounded like a child in distress. She quickened her pace and followed the sound, hoping to help whoever was in trouble. She soon reached a clearing where she saw a horrifying sight: a large cave with a fire burning at its entrance, and a pile of sacks next to it. Inside the sacks, she could see children squirming and whimpering, their faces pale with fear.

Standing over the fire was a monstrous figure: a giantess with horns, hoofs, a warty nose, and multiple heads and tails. She was stirring a large pot with a wooden spoon, humming a tuneless song. She was Gryla, the cannibalistic troll who preyed on naughty children during Yule time. She had thirteen sons, known as the Yule Lads, who helped her capture her victims by playing pranks on unsuspecting households.

Jord felt a surge of anger and pity. How could anyone be so cruel and heartless? She decided to intervene and save the children from their fate. She stepped out of the shadows and shouted at Gryla.

"Hey, you! Leave those children alone! They don't belong to you!"

Gryla turned around and saw Jord standing there. She recognized her as one of the Aesir, the gods who ruled over Asgard. She sneered and said,

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Jord, the earth goddess. What brings you here, my dear? Are you looking for a snack? I have plenty to spare."

She gestured at the sacks with her spoon.

"Or are you here to lecture me on morality? How noble of you. But you see, I have my own rules. And my rule is: naughty children must be punished. And what better punishment than to be cooked in my pot and eaten by me and my sons?"

She laughed wickedly.

Jord felt disgusted by Gryla's words. She said,

"You are no better than a beast. You have no right to judge these children or take their lives. They are innocent and deserve mercy. Let them go now, or face my wrath."

Gryla snorted.

"Your wrath? What can you do against me? You are nothing but a weakling who hides behind your husband and son. You have no power of your own. You are just dirt under my feet."

She spat on the ground.

"I will not let these children go. They are mine by right. And if you try to stop me, I will add you to my menu."

She raised her spoon threateningly.

Jord was not intimidated by Gryla's taunts. She knew she had power over the earth and its elements. She also knew she had an advantage over Gryla: she was faster and smarter than her.

She said,

"You are making a big mistake, Gryla. You don't know who you are dealing with. I am not afraid of you or your sons. I will fight you for these children's lives."

She clenched her fists.

"And I will win."

She charged at Gryla with a roar.

A/N: Note that this story idea is based on Norse Mythology, not Marvel.

A/N: And yes, there are indeed Norse Mythology fanfictions.

A/N: Simply put, yes, that part of Marvel Comics featuring the idea of Thor's biological mother being an Earth Deity is true in Norse Mythology. But Jord is a Jotun.

A/N: Gryla is from the Prose Edda, which I think plenty of you might've heard of.

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