Fun Story #3: Shango vs Gorilla Grodd.

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Shango, the Orisha of Thunder, Lightning and Fire, was always curious about the world and its wonders. He had heard rumors of a hidden city in the heart of Africa, where gorillas lived in harmony and wisdom, far from the eyes of humans. He decided to visit this place and see for himself what secrets it held.

He flew across the sky, riding on a storm cloud, until he reached the location of Gorilla City. He sensed a powerful force field that concealed the city from outsiders, but he easily pierced through it with his divine power. He landed on the outskirts of the city, where he was greeted by a group of armed gorillas.

"Who are you and what do you want?" one of them asked.

"I am Shango, the Orisha of Thunder. I come in peace and curiosity. I wish to see your city and learn from your culture," Shango replied.

The gorillas looked at each other in astonishment. They recognized the name of Shango, for they had learned about the Orishas from their ancient history. They were the gods of the West African people, like the Yoruba people, who had once lived in harmony with them.

"You are welcome here, Shango," another gorilla said. "We are honored by your presence. Please follow us to the palace, where our king Solovar will receive you."

Shango nodded and followed them. He was impressed by the sight of Gorilla City, a marvel of technology and architecture that blended with nature. He saw gorillas of all ages and professions, living in harmony and prosperity. He felt a sense of respect and admiration for them.

He reached the palace, where he was introduced to Solovar, the king of Gorilla City. Solovar was a wise and benevolent ruler, who had led his people to peace and progress. He welcomed Shango warmly and invited him to join him for a feast.

"Shango, we are honored by your visit. We have heard of you and your fellow orishas from the peoples of West Africa. You are our kin in spirit," Solovar said.

"Thank you, Solovar. I am amazed by your city and your people. You have achieved what many humans have failed to do: live in harmony with nature and each other. You are my kin in flesh," Shango said.

They exchanged stories and knowledge, finding much in common between their cultures and beliefs. They also discussed the threats that faced their worlds, such as humans who sought to exploit or destroy them.

"We have been fortunate to remain hidden from human eyes for so long," Solovar said. "But we know that one day they will find us and try to take what is ours. We have prepared ourselves for that day, but we hope it never comes."

"I understand your fear," Shango said. "Humans can be cruel and greedy, but they can also be noble and compassionate. I have seen both sides of them in my travels. They are not all bad, nor all good."

"Perhaps you are right," Solovar said. "But we have learned to trust only ourselves and our allies. We have few friends among humans."

"You have one more now," Shango said. "I will always stand by you and your people, as long as you stand by me and mine."

They clasped hands in friendship, sealing their bond.

Meanwhile, in another part of Gorilla City, a dark shadow lurked in the shadows. It was Gorilla Grodd, the archenemy of Solovar and The Flash. He was a former citizen of Gorilla City who had rebelled against Solovar's rule and tried to conquer the world with his mental powers. He had been defeated many times by The Flash and his allies, but he always escaped and plotted his revenge.

He had infiltrated Gorilla City using his telepathy to evade detection. He had learned of Shango's arrival and was furious that Solovar had welcomed him so warmly.

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