Story Idea #23: Carol Danvers/Ms Marvel as the Supreme Goddess of the Kree.

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A/N: Just to make it clear that this isn't in the MCU. It's another one of those Marvel Comics Earth-616 fanfictions. It's not just on Wattpad, there actually Marvel Earth-616 fanfic stories on Fanfiction itself. And, dare I say, plenty of them are better than the majority in Wattpad, which the majority of them are just the same thing about Spider-Man, although some are unique, which is also my approach when making "Marvel Gaeaverse Peter & Teresa Parker: Children of the Earth", which I have to do some research. And what's the problem with learning some stuff about Marvel that we don't know about? It doesn't hurt or anything like that. Besides, not every Marvel story is gonna be about him. What's the problem with making different Marvel stories featuring different marvel characters?

A/N: I wasn't liking the fact that some people put my story to Percy Jackson reading lists. Seriously, isn't the image I put up really not that obvious? And I didn't even put Percy Jackson related tags in it! Y'all need look at my story & read it before adding it. It hasn't nothing to do with Percy Jackson. It ain't even a crossover, they're just referenced as books. Nothing more and nothing less.

A/N: To clear things up, this takes place during Carol Danvers' Tim as Ms Marvel.

A/N: Okay, so me bitching like an asshole aside, on to the oneshot then!

Carol Danvers was flying through space, feeling the cosmic energy coursing through her veins. She had been exploring the galaxy, looking for new adventures and challenges, when she felt a strange pull towards the planet Hala, the homeworld of the Kree. She had a connection to the Kree, since she was a human/Kree hybrid and had inherited some of their powers and genes. She had also fought alongside and against them in various conflicts, and had a complicated relationship with their hero, Captain Mar-Vell.

She decided to follow the pull and see what was waiting for her on Hala. As she approached the planet, she saw a massive blue-green orb with white clouds and continents. She also sensed a powerful presence, emanating from the center of the planet. She flew towards it, curious and cautious.

She reached the source of the presence, and found herself in front of a huge dome-like structure, surrounded by guards and weapons. She recognized it as the Citadel of Judgment, the headquarters of the Supreme Intelligence, the ruler and collective mind of the Kree. She had encountered the Supreme Intelligence before, and knew it was a ruthless and manipulative entity that cared only for its own agenda.

She landed on the ground, and was immediately confronted by a squad of Kree soldiers. They pointed their guns at her and shouted at her to identify herself and state her business.

"I'm Carol Danvers, also known as Ms Marvel," she said. "I'm here to see the Supreme Intelligence."

The soldiers looked at each other, confused and suspicious. They had heard of Carol Danvers, but they didn't know why she would want to see their leader.

"Wait here," one of them said. "We'll contact the Supreme Intelligence and see if it will grant you an audience."

He turned to his communicator and spoke into it. Carol waited patiently, feeling a strange anticipation. She wondered what the Supreme Intelligence wanted from her, or what she wanted from it.

Suddenly, she heard a voice in her head. A voice that was familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. A voice that was calm and authoritative.

"Carol Danvers," it said. "I have been expecting you."

She looked around, but saw no one else speaking. She wondered if it was really the voice of who she thought it was.

"God?" she asked, incredulous.

"Yes," the voice said. "The One Above All, among all other things. The creator of everything."

Carol felt a surge of awe and fear. She had never spoken to God before, or even believed in his existence.

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