Story Idea #8: Godzilla in Yomi.

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Godzilla roared in frustration as he wandered across the dark and desolate landscape of Yomi, the underworld of the Shinto religion. He had fallen into this realm after a fierce battle with King Ghidorah, who had opened a portal to the land of the dead with his gravity beams. Godzilla had followed his archenemy into the portal, hoping to finish him off once and for all, but he had lost track of him in the gloom and chaos of Yomi.

Now, he was trapped in this place, where the souls of the dead gathered and where Izanami, the goddess of death and creation, ruled. He had encountered many horrors and dangers in his journey, such as the Yomotsu-shikome, the ugly hags sent by Izanami to pursue him, and the Yomotsu-ikusa, the warriors of Yomi who tried to stop him. He had fought them off with his atomic breath and his sheer strength, but he had also suffered many wounds and fatigue.

He had also seen many familiar faces in Yomi, some of them friendly and some of them hostile. He had seen Anguirus, his loyal ally, who had died defending him from Mechagodzilla. He had seen Mothra, his occasional friend and foe, who had sacrificed herself to stop King Ghidorah. He had seen Rodan, his rival and partner, who had perished in the same battle. He had also seen Biollante, his genetic offspring and enemy, who had mutated into a monstrous plant creature. He had seen Destoroyah, his most vicious adversary, who had nearly killed him and his son. He had seen many others, too many to name.

Some of them had tried to help him find a way out of Yomi, while others had tried to drag him down into the depths of despair. Godzilla had ignored them all, focusing only on his goal: to escape from this hell and return to the land of the living.

He had heard rumors of a possible exit from Yomi, a place where all the seas plunge down into the earth. He had followed the sound of rushing water, hoping to find it. He had also heard whispers of a guardian who protected the exit, a fearsome beast who challenged anyone who dared to approach it.

Godzilla was not afraid. He was ready to face any challenge, even if it meant fighting another kaiju. He was determined to leave Yomi and resume his role as the king of the monsters.


Godzilla stumbled into a dark and gloomy palace, where he sensed a powerful and ancient presence. He had been wandering in Yomi for a long time, looking for a way out, but he had found nothing but enemies and obstacles. He hoped that this place might hold some answers or clues.

He entered the main hall, where he saw a throne made of bones and skulls. On the throne sat a woman who wore a black kimono and a veil that covered her face. She had long black hair that reached the floor and a pair of horns that protruded from her forehead. She held a staff that was adorned with jewels and feathers.

She was Izanami, the Goddess of Creation & Death, and the ruler of Yomi.

She looked at Godzilla with a mixture of curiosity and disdain. She spoke in a voice that was cold and commanding.

"Who are you, and what are you doing in my realm?" she asked.

Godzilla roared in response, expressing his anger and frustration. He did not know who this woman was, nor did he care. He only wanted to leave this place and return to his own world.

Izanami frowned and shook her head. She sensed that Godzilla was not a normal creature, but a god-like being who had fallen into Yomi by accident or fate. She also sensed that he had a strong will and spirit, something that she admired and envied.

"You are a remarkable being," she said. "You have survived many trials and hardships in Yomi, where most would have perished or succumbed to despair. You have also fought many of my servants and children, some of whom I created myself. You have shown great strength and courage, but also great arrogance and ignorance."

She paused and tilted her head.

"Tell me, do you know who I am?" she asked.

Godzilla roared again, louder and more defiantly. He did not care about her identity or her words. He only cared about his freedom.

Izanami sighed and shook her head again.

"You do not know me, nor do you respect me," she said. "I am Izanami-no-Mikoto, the mother of all gods and the queen of Yomi. I am the one who gave birth to this land and its inhabitants, along with my husband Izanagi-no-Mikoto. I am the one who rules over life and death, creation and destruction."

She raised her staff and pointed it at Godzilla.

"And I am the one who can grant you your wish...or deny it forever," she said.

Godzilla felt a surge of fear as he sensed the power and authority in her voice. He realized that she was not an ordinary enemy, but a divine being who could control his fate. He wondered what she wanted from him, and what price she would ask for his release.

He growled softly, showing his wariness and uncertainty.

Izanami smiled slightly behind her veil. She saw that Godzilla was not as foolish or stubborn as he seemed. He had some intelligence and wisdom, enough to recognize his situation and his opponent.

She lowered her staff and spoke in a softer tone.

"Do not be afraid," she said. "I do not wish to harm you or keep you here against your will. I know that you belong to another world, where you have your own role and purpose. I also know that you have suffered enough in Yomi, where you have no place or peace."

She paused and looked at him with a hint of sympathy.

"I can help you," she said. "I can show you the way out of Yomi, where you can return to your world and resume your life. I can also give you a gift, something that will make you stronger and happier than ever before."


Godzilla felt a gentle touch on his head, followed by a soothing voice.

"I will let you go," Izanami said. "You have proven yourself worthy of my respect and compassion. You have also shown me that you are not happy here, and that you long for your own world."

She lifted her veil and smiled at him. She looked like Hiyori, the girl who had befriended him and helped him in his battles. She had taken this form to make him feel more comfortable and less afraid.

"I will miss you, my companion," she said. "You have given me some joy and warmth in this cold and lonely place. You have also taught me something important: that life is precious and fragile, and that death is not the end."

She leaned down and kissed him on the forehead.

"Go now, and live your life to the fullest," she said. "Be strong and brave, but also kind and gentle. Be the king of the monsters, but also the protector of the earth. And remember me, sometimes, in your dreams."

She waves her staff and opened a portal behind him. He saw a bright light that shone through the portal, inviting him to enter.

He felt a surge of gratitude and sadness as he looked at her. He realized that she was not his enemy, but his friend. He also realized that she had given him a gift: a new perspective on life and death.

He roared softly, showing his appreciation and farewell.

He turned and walked towards the portal, leaving Yomi behind.

He stepped into the light, where he saw the sun shining brightly.

He felt a surge of relief and joy as he sensed his own world waiting for him.

He roared triumphantly and ran towards the horizon, ready to resume his role as the king of the monsters.

He was free.

A/N: I always thought it would be cool to see Godzilla in Yomi, the Japanese Underworld.

A/N: Once again, I hope you enjoy this one. Tell me your thoughts, unleash the comments, and vote! See ya 👋!

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