Darkness Shall Rise

Start from the beginning

Cole: Good, 'cause if we know Lord Garmadon, he's not going to be taking any breaks. And let's not forget, the Serpentine are still at large.

(Near the Destiny's Bounty, Skales is trying to gain the title of Snake King.)

Skales: Serpentine, we've been exiled for the last time. Fear not, I will lead you.

Mezmo: Lead us? To where? The City of Ouroboros has been destroyed. We have no home.

Fang-Suei: You want to lead us so badly, why should we trust you?

Skales: Because I was the one who told you in the first place not to awaken the Devourer. But no, you listened to Pythor. (He actually didn't tell them not to.)

Garmadon: (Appears behind them.) You want a home... I'll give you a home.

Skales: Lord Garmadon!

Garmadon: Forgive me, I haven't been myself lately. But now that I have the Golden Weapons, it's time that I got back to my roots. If I'm going to rule Ninjago, I know I can't do it all by myself. The Skeletons served their purpose, but I've always been partial to snakes. If you want someone to follow, follow me. (The Serpentine cheers.)

Skales: You are to follow me, not him! (But everyone follows Garmadon.)

Garmadon: You want a home, I give you a home. (He rebuilds the Bounty into the Black Bounty.)

Mezmo: The power of the weapons...

Garmadon: I give you the Black Bounty! (Everyone cheers.)

Skales: Imbeciles! Do you not remember he was just helping the ninja?! Now you blindly follow him because of his wizardry?! He's not even a Serpentine. Rule with me, and we rule as brothers!

Garmadon: Rule with me...(He points the at Mezmo.) or else.

Serpentine: All hail Lord Garmadon! (The Black Bounty takes off.)

Skales: Oh, darn. Ugh!

Mezmo: Your eminence, excuse my ignorance, but why is it we fly in the opposite direction of the ninja, when you have the Golden Weapons in your possession?

Garmadon: Because they have my son, and it is written that he will one day defeat me. What good would turning into my own image be when that victory would be fleeting?

Chokun: Then we destroy Lloyd.

Garmadon: Aargh! Lock him in the brig! (Mezmo drags him off.) No one will touch my son. But by getting rid of Sensei Wu and those pesky ninja, Lloyd will never reach his full potential. The prophecy will never be fulfilled, and Ninjago will be mine...forever!

Fang-Suei: Uh, but why are we flying in away?

Garmadon: Because we are flying to the Golden Peaks, birthplace of the Golden Weapons. Even they have secrets yet to be unlocked. And once I uncover their full potential, nothing will stand in our way.

(Back with the ninja, Patty Keys is showing them a worn-down apartment.)

Patty: This one-bedroom, one-half-bath is a cozy dream. Who needs extras when everything is in arm's reach? Now, wait until you see the lighting. (Turns on the light, but the bulb flickers, burns out, and falls to the ground.) Uh, who needs lights when you have this view? Heh. (Opens the window blinds, but the view was actually a brick wall.)

Lloyd: Uh, why do I smell old people?

Patty: (Annoyed.) Look, doll. I'm trying to work around your budget. This is all you can afford.

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