Screw you FazBear, Sun managed to stand up but ended up slipping and ending up with his face to the island with a harsh smack. Sun was even more stunned, that HURT. That hurt so bad, he grunted and rolled over and tried to get up disoriented and slipped again on a one of those stupid pee covered colored balls and fall smack on the island on his back.

It was clear his body was not doing too good, not good at all. He managed to get up without slipping and drag himself to one of the stupid rainbow bridges and lean on it, much to Sun's luck, no kids had come in yet. Sun leaned on the bridge trying to even his weight and low and behold! his direction chip was broken! 

This could not get any worse, he can't walk, heck he was having a hard time even leaning on this bridge. He was having a hard time figuring out which way is up and which way is down, he shut his eyes as he felt a headache coming in. 

A pounding painful headache, he grunted leaning on the rainbow bridge, Management obviously noticed his state but didn't care at all, those pieces of- Sun felt a shock ripple through him and he yelped and clutched the rainbow bridge harder, he can't even think bad about them. No, no he couldn't take this any longer, he just couldn't.

But he knew he had to take it, hopefully they'd calm down with the way they are treating him, their is no way to escape, he can walk in the park but that's about it, any farther and he will be shocked horribly possibly till he passed out, every animatronic in this building is that way aside from Lunar and BloodMoon since they were built by... a certain someone... Sun shook his head and gripped the rainbow bridge.

Sun was spared today, only ten kids came in, it was a shockingly low amount cause normally about sixty kids come in. Sun wasn't complaining though, he could hardly walk, his joints were damaged, his systems weren't very happy about that fact and were begging him to just fix them, luckily his direction chip was able to repair itself.

He watched the kids run about, he wouldn't care at this point if the kids got real pirate swords and had a battle with them. He was practically falling asleep on the spot, but luckily closing hours came, he watched the parents get picked up one by one and dragged himself to the stairs, well he tried to, he stumbled and fell down the stairs.

He groaned, what is life at this point...? Just suffering? He dragged himself up and dragged himself up the stairs to the teleporter and pressed it, Lunar instantly rushed over. "Sun oh my god you're a zombie!" Sun did not disagree, "indeed I am..." he grumbled, Lunar hugged him, Sun hugged back gently and the twins instantly swarmed him almost knocking him off his feet.

"Sunny! We made something!" BloodLust cheered and BloodMoon clutched his leg "yeah!" Sun wobbled on his weak legs but caught himself "oh?" he asked and the twins, "we want you to feel better!" they said happily, they showed him a drawing and Sun's heart swelled, mostly at the 'gte betta soon!' written on top of the paper in big letters.

Aside from the fact that Sun has to keep working on teaching the twins how to spell words, he found it absolutely adorable, Lunar chuckled "even the twins noticed how down you are and decided to make you this" Sun hugged them, this was exactly what he need to keep him going "aww, thank you!" the twins squeak happily and hug back. 

They were so adorable, so innocent. Sun could never let anything happen to them, the twins said "the ants helped us!"  Sun looked at them and BloodMoon said "they helped carry the crayons to us!" Sun's brow furrowed "they did?" he was genuinely confused by the twins words "yeah! Ants are nice!" "nice, how?" Sun asked but they very annoyingly got distracted by Sun's rays and reached for them.

Sun sighed and leaned down and let them play with them, Lunar looked surprised by this then amused Sun grumbled "oh shut up-" Moon screamed from in his room "OH MY GOD! YOU LET THEM PLAY WITH YOUR RAYS AND NOT ME!" Sun face palmed  "oh shut up, you hardly leave your room!" he snapped at Moon and Moon yelled jealously "I still expect ray playing privileges!" Sun yelled "no! You tried to bite them once!" Moon yelled "THE TWINS ARE CHEWING ON THEM!" Sun looked down and indeed they were, Sun groaned and stopped them "no, you don't chew on them" he gently took one of his rays out of the twins sharp teeth.

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