Trial and [Error]

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"Huh? How in the hell did I get here? Are ya fuckin' around here, you?"

Reid Astrea's crazed grin transformed into a snarl as his eyes bore into yours, not knowing why he was suddenly having to look at people not worth his time.

"H-hey, there's a child over there, so you gotta watch your language!" You tried to joke around and ignore the fact that you couldn't get your arms to stop shaking, but that only seemed to make Reid more upset.

Taking a step even closer to you so that you could feel his breath now, the red-haired examiner lowered his voice to an eerie level. "The hell's up with you? You ain't tellin' me what to do. I oughta beat the shit out of you for that one, ya know."

You gulped and prepared to move if Reid suddenly attacked.

The master swordsman noticed the anticipation in your movements and laughed menacingly. Seeing that you were insignificant, he took a step away and took a look to see who else he was going to have to ask to get an explanation.

He didn't have to squint for his blue, uncovered eye to see what he needed to see on the other side of the room. "Hmmm..." he said under his breath as he began to stroke his clean-shaven chin. "Pretty lookin', runt, small fry, clown..."

Reid assessed the party and returned to speaking to you. Speaking about the unconscious Shaula, he said, "Hey, you, why're you lettin' that beauty over there sleep all alone? If I were you, I woulda bedded her already. She's real damn frizzlin', ya know."

It didn't take much for you to already dislike Reid. Was this really the legendary Master Swordsman who saved the world centuries ago? You were already getting a few bad impressions on Flugel, but this was on a completely different level.

Letting your negative reaction to Reid fuel your body, you took a deep breath. "Talk about disillusioning... Now, if you don't know how you got here, I certainly don't know, so what about we get this challenge started? You know about that much, don't you, since it looks like you're the examiner?"

Reid clicked his tongue. "I ain't got a clue. I ain't interested in some title like 'examiner' for a fuckin' trial, but ya know what?" Crossing his arms and increasing the intensity of his gaze, he continued, "Ya wanna challenge me? Get me to move even a step from here, you."

Get Reid to move a single step?

You remembered the lines he had been chanting before apparently gaining consciousness- "Gain his forgiveness, by hand of the Fool who has reached the Heavenly Sword."

Was Reid the Fool here, or the one granting the forgiveness?

'(Y/N), you do not know this, but in the past, Reid Astrea was referred to as the Heavenly Sword. You, in this riddle, are the Fool who has reached the Sword. I believe that you must defeat him in this challenge in order to clear this trial.'

'That's a pretty good joke... Can't you come over here and help me? There's no way I'm beating him in a 1v1.'

'Unfortunately, I am unsure, so I will not come to your assistance. The challenge was issued to you alone, so if I were to attempt to complete it as well, there is a possibility that I break a rule of this trial, which goes unsaid as to be lethally dangerous in its implications. With that said, you must retreat if this proves to actually be Reid and not merely a weaker imitation of him.'

'Well, then-'

"Hey, you! Done chattin'? Or are ya just gonna fuck around and stare?"

Reid interrupted your telepathic conversation with Echidna, and the fact that he mentioned chatting sent a cold chill down throughout your body. If this comment wasn't by chance, how in the world did he know that you and Echidna were talking?

Re:Zero Male InsertTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon