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You woke up to see Subaru shaking your body.

"(Y/N)! What just happened?! We walked into the ruins, and I don't remember what happened, but I woke up and saw you passed out next to me! Weren't we supposed to meet a witch?!" He was still shaking your body, so you brushed him off.

Before you could tell Subaru something, you heard a voice inside your head. '(Y/N), act like you don't remember anything as well. He will believe you.'

This was Echidna. Right before you were forced to leave her tea party, the Witch of Greed had given you a black pendant, which had surprisingly materialized under your shirt, where you had put it on back there.

Following her advice, you scratched your head. "Well, I can't remember anything either."

Subaru looked down at the ground. "It kind of feels like someone said something to me..." He shrugged his shoulders. "Anyways, we should get back outside and look for Emilia and Otto."

You stood up and followed him out of the ruins.

'As you can tell, Subaru has no recollection of his meeting with me. You, on the other hand, have made a contract with me, so you will naturally remember everything.'

'Well, I can't imagine it any other way. If I had a contract with you and couldn't remember it, that would be pretty bad.'

Echidna chuckled. 'Maybe for you.'

This didn't sit well with you, but the bright light caught your attention. Squinting your eyes and covering them with your arm, you looked out from the ruins.

Otto was on the ground, and he was stunned. Literally.

All of a sudden, Subaru, who was standing next to you, was lifted up in the air. You took a step back and observed what was going on.

It was none other than Garfiel who picked Subaru up by the scruff of his tracksuit. Before you could do anything, he decided to pick you up as well. "Look 't the two 'f you, just waltzin' out 'f there! You've got some nerves, outsiders!"

When the two of you struggled to get out of his grasp, Garfiel began to laugh. "Is this like a magmarin laughin' when it's full 'f holes?"

'Uh... Echidna? What's a magmarin?'

'I would like to know as well. Ask him for us, would you?'

You sighed. It seems like nobody can understand whatever it was that Garfiel was saying.

But that sigh stopped when he threw Subaru away from him, towards the field where Otto was lying. Luckily enough for Subaru, Patrasche caught his body with her dragon carriage before it could hit the ground.

You wouldn't be so lucky.

"Don't throw me! Garfiel! Please let me down! I'm not trying to pull anything! Let me down!" You started to squirm frantically because you didn't feel like breaking some more bones today.

Just as you asked, Garfiel let you down. Let it be noted, however, that he did it quite violently. If it wasn't for your regeneration, you would have been left with several bruises for the rest of the week.

"How th' f'ck do ya know m' amazin' self?" Garfiel asked while he towered above your body, which was still on the ground before him.

Naturally, you bluffed your way out of it. "I didn't come here without doing some preparation. Why wouldn't I know who the Shield of the Sanctuary was?"

Hearing this boosted Garfiel's ego. "Aha! I like you! Now, what were ya doin' in there? If you're up t' no good, then I've got n' choice but t' kick ya out'ta here."

Re:Zero Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now