The Fallen Warriors/Death Ballet

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Just by looking at them, you could tell that the two figures were dangerous. The large one gave off a monstrously strong presence, and the slender one gave the impression of a deadly flower. She (or what seemed to be a female) looked fragile, but she was definitely not any less potent as the figure next to her.

Elsa charged at them nonetheless, a wicked smile on her face. Astoundingly, they didn't react at all.

They just stood there as a crazy woman sped towards them with two wicked swords in her hands.

It wasn't until Elsa was a moment away from slicing both of their stomachs open that they took action. The slender one sidestepped her, and the large one took one of his huge blades and decapitated Elsa before she could reach him. 

At that moment, you slipped your sheaths on and faced one of the most basic human dilemmas - fight or flight. These two people were obviously powerful, so would a successful escape be better than suffering potential casualtie-

You didn't even get to finish that thought, as it was chosen for you. The slender figure suddenly appeared next to you, and you had to activate Akra and jump away as fast as you could.

Beatrice came to Subaru's side and cast Murak, a spell that reduces the effects of gravity. With that, she pushed the two of them away from the deadly figure.

Patrasche swerved and tried to hit the Witch Cultist with the carriage as everybody jumped out of it, but her attack was evaded as the intended recipient jumped over it. 

"Everybody!" you yelled. "We can't run away, so let's come up with a game plan. Who's fighting who?"

"Me and Beako will do what we can, but our firepower is kinda limited, so I'll just try to keep out of the way!" Subaru replied.

"I got th' big 'un!" Garfiel said with conviction.

"I-I can't help! If Elsa-nee sama was no challenge for them, then I... I'm useless!" Meili started to run away from the immediate area, scared of this deadly situation.

The slender figure turned towards the fleeing child, but any attempt to chase Meili was stopped by a flash of black and purple. This was Elsa, whose head had regenerated. 

"Ah~ This is making my heart pound! This one is mine!" She swung her twin blades at the mysterious person, who blocked both of them with astounding precision. Elsa was fighting a master of the sword, but she did not want any help. This was the fight that she had been waiting for.

That left only one opponent for you. 

The large figure had slowly been walking toward your position, and you prepared yourself to fight this embodiment of strength. 

As the hulking Witch Cultist walked towards you, Garfiel stretched his arm out. "(Y/N), I know that you an' Captain have been trainin' an' stuff, but I wanna fight this 'un on my own. I need ta prove that I'm th' strongest."

You didn't like the idea of Garfiel fighting this monstrous opponent on his own, but you backed down for now. He was fighting not only a physical battle, but a mental one. 

'Are you sure that this is the place for the demi human to fight his insecurities? He may perish if you do not interfere.'

'I'll step in when things get bad. I'll let Garfiel test his strength out, but I won't let his stubbornness kill him.'

'And what of the Bowel Hunter? Are you allowing her to fight the other opponent alone?'

'If you're going to question everything, then do you have any better ideas?'

Re:Zero Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now