The End of the Known

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"What?!" You and Subaru exclaimed simultaneously. 

Everybody else looked shocked, but Roswaal had a mischievous grin on his face. "Yeeeees! I knew that Subaru-kun, and perhaps (Y/N)-kun, would perform deeds worthy of knighthood! With that in minnnd, I have already planned a knighting ceremony that all of you will participate in!"

You developed a twitch in your right eye as Roswaal ran through his explanation. Even when he lost, Roswaal still made it seem like you played into his hands. 

He really was the most aggravating person you knew, though 'person' might not even properly describe him. 

Subaru also had an annoyed expression, but it soon gave way to giddiness as Roswaal's words finally sank in. "No way! I'm going to become a knight! Heck yeah! My painful efforts will finally be rewarded! Now that I'm a knight of the kingdom, I can-"

Roswaal clicked his tongue and shook his head. "You are mistaken, Subaru-kun. You will not become a knight of Lugnica."

"Eh?!" Garfiel interjected. "If Capt'n's gonna be a knight, but you ain't makin' 'im a knight 'f th' kingdom, what're ya even gonna do?!"

Looking up from Rem, who was placed in a chair, Ram answered, "I believe that Roswaal-sama intends to make them knights of his domain."

Otto seemed the most interested in this, as he must have realized the implications of this act.

But since you weren't too knowledgeable about politics and such, you had no idea why this was so important. That is why you decided to take a step back and listen to the conversation that would be going on.

Roswaal raised his shoulders slightly in response to Ram's assumption. "Yes, and no. I plan to make (Y/N)-kun a knight of my domain, but it seems muuuch more fitting to make Subaru-kun Emilia-sama's personal knight. Does it not?"

Emilia gasped when she heard this. "M-my personal knight? Why would Subaru-kun be my personal knight when (Y/N) has helped me just as much?"

You knew that this wasn't true, and so did Roswaal.

"Emilia-sama, I do believe that you underestimate the lengths that Subaru-kun has gone for you. Do you truly not think that he has done more for you than (Y/N)-kun?" Roswaal stared at her as if he was looking down on Emilia, and Subaru clenched his fists when he saw this.

Emilia put her hand on Subaru's shoulder. "Subaru-kun has gone so far for me, and I still can't completely understand why he would do all of it. But (Y/N) has done a lot too. Like helping kill... the mabeasts..." She trailed off as she actually thought about that. "Well, he also helped at the cap...ital..." She shook her head, trying to think of something. "And he... umm... fought at the mansion to...uh...."

This was pretty sad, but it made sense. You didn't do everything for Emilia. Rather, you did it for everybody. You didn't focus your entire being into helping her, unlike Subaru.

But if you were being honest, she really could have thought of some better examples.

Oh well. People have a hard time remembering things when they are put on the spot, so you understood.

"Don't force yourself too hard, Emilia. Subaru has definitely helped you more than I have, but that doesn't mean that I've done less. So I'm not taking it too hard." Turning to Roswaal, you added, "I just find it a little revolting that I have to be a knight under you."

This only amused the clown man. "Would you rather not be knighted?"

You sneered at him. "Of course I'm going to be knighted. Just know that I'm going to complain that I'm technically your knight."

Re:Zero Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now