Brutal Truths

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After a brief lesson on magic, you are sent out of Roswaal's room. You still feel uneasy about the events that transpired in there, so you take your mind off of it. Being a procrastinator, you are used to putting off issues until they got really bad.

You trudged slowly down the hallways, still feeling the strain on your muscles that mana depletion caused. You dragged your feet on the ground, and the rustling noise that they made caught somebody's attention.

"(Y/N), how are you feeling?" Hearing this voice, you look up, and quickly force a smile in your lips. 

In front of you was Emilia, who you haven't really had a decent conversation with since you first met her.

"I'm still a little sore, but other than that, I feel great!" You give her a thumbs up, but the slightly worried look on her face didn't go away. 

"I heard what happened to you... are you sure that you're fine?" As Emilia referenced you being eaten alive by monster dogs, both of you let out a pained expression.

"Well, saying that it hurt is an understatement, but I'm fine now thanks to my ability. Thanks for asking," you tell her.

You didn't intend to, but you had a habit of ending conversations, much like you almost did this one. Just because you were in another world didn't mean that you were any more sociable.

"O-oh, that's good." Emilia started glancing around the hallway. "If you want to, you can join me and Subaru when we go down to the village in about two hours. I'm sure that there will be people that appreciate what you did."

Emilia was about to scurry away, but Puck suddenly approached you, keeping her in place. "Hey (Y/N), I can tell that you're uneasy about something. Is there anything that you want to talk about? We can't help you if we don't know." 

Puck, usually cheerful, was actually earnest when he said this. He had a worried look on his face, as he could sense the uncertainty and confusion emanating from you.

Do I tell him about my favors to Roswaal? Well, he did suggest that I talk to Roswaal in the first place, so I should at least tell him about me learning magic.

"Well, I actually just finished having a discussion with Roswaal. He just explained and showed me how to cast a really simple spell. I can't cast it yet because of my poor control over my gate, but I understand how to do it." You smile again, hoping that your answer would satisfy him.

It seems like it did. "Oh, that's good to hear. To be honest, I didn't expect you to confront him so soon about it. You seem like the type of person that does everything as late as possible." He added the last bit playfully.

"Oof." You flinch from the comment. "You got me there." You straightened up, and wiped the smile from your face to reveal a more serious demeanor. "But seriously, I want to be able to help you and everybody else, so I'm not going to be slacking off anymore."

They smile at your sentiment. "That's good to hear, (Y/N). Now, we've got to get going. See you later!" Emilia waved you off, and she left along with Puck. 

As you watched their figures slowly get farther away, you sigh. "I say that, but it's not like I'm going to be useful when it comes to combat. On the other hand, I can be useful when it comes to information..."

Time skip

You're at Subaru's door. After debating with yourself on your way here, you have finally decided that it was time. You were finally going to tell Subaru something that you've been keeping secret ever since you found yourself in this world.

You knock gently on his door, not wanting to wake him up if he was asleep. "Come in," replied Subaru's unusually cheerful voice.

You walk in, and slowly close the door. When you turned around and made eye contact with Subaru. He quickly broke it, a sign that he felt guilty about his actions the day before.

Re:Zero Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now