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"...Who in the world is Shaula and why do I already feel excited?"

You clasped your hands together and waited for an answer. The final point in Echidna's plan was to recruit this person into the Crusaders, but this name was an unfamiliar one. 

Sitting back into her chair, Echidna crossed her arms and explained, "Do you remember the tale of the Sage, the Sword Saint, and the Dragon who defeated her?"

You nodded your head, now seeing where this was going. "The swordsman was Reinhard's ancestor and the Dragon's name is Volcanica, so does that mean that the Shaula is the Sage?!"

Echidna scoffed. "Not at all! If that dullard was the Sage, then I would weep for this world!" Regaining her serious demeanor, the Witch of Greed shook her head. "No, Shaula is the Sage's apprentice and the current protector of the Pleiades Watchtower."

Ignoring the fact that Echidna set up that entire example just for it to be loosely related to her point, you had actually heard about the Pleiades Watchtower during a meeting with Anastasia a few months ago.  Back then, it was a tower of mystery, and you still didn't really know that much about it. "What exactly is the Pleiades Watchtower?" you asked.

After hesitating for a moment, Echidna replied, "The Pleiades Watchtower is several things. First of all, it is a library that contains knowledge that even I do not possess. Secondly, it acts as a lookout for Shaula to locate and kill all trespassers, as they may be aiming to reach the shrine in which she is sealed."

"..." You scratched your head. "Why is there so much stuff to learn about in this world? I feel like something new always comes up out of nowhere and then you start telling me a ton of stuff. Now I can relate to how Subaru felt when I used to try and tell him everything I knew about what was going to happen."

Echidna seemed genuinely concerned about this statement. "Is that so?" she wondered out loud. After a moment of thought, she concluded, "If that is truly how you feel, then I will temporarily halt the communicating of my thoughts. In fact, this may be for the better, as you may not retain all of this information if it is given in a short burst of activity."

This reaction from the Witch of Greed was unexpected, so it took you a second to process what she just said. "Wait, you're going to stop short? When have you ever talked less because it made other people's brains scramble?"


Echidna had no response, so she changed subjects. "As soon as you exit this Castle of Dreams, fall asleep. We will have several tasks to complete tomorrow, so your mind must be rested in order to be successful."

"Any chance you'll tell me what they are?"

The Witch grinned. "Only after you wake up."

Time Skip

The entire Priscilla and Al ordeal left you more exhausted than usual, so you had no issues falling asleep.

Falling asleep the second time was the issue. 

When you first opened your eyes, the sun's harsh rays were yet to rise, and Omega was still asleep next to you.

Truth be told, it was going to take a little time to get used to sharing the bed with her, but it would surely become another occurrence that was added to the list of everything else in this fantasy world that you had become accustomed to.

You closed your eyes once more and attempted to fall asleep, but thoughts began to creep into your mind about the day that was yet to begin and about the more distant future.

What was Echidna planning? What else was she going to say before she stopped? How strong is Shaula, and what race is she if she's been alive for over four hundred years? What would be the best "inventions" to make? Will people in this world put their equivalent of pineapples on pizza and begin a war over it?

Re:Zero Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now