Night of Knight

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After a decently short ride, everybody finally arrived at the new mansion.

It was similar to Roswaal's other mansion in the way it was laid out with a decadent yard and a stretched-out building, but it was apparent that this new place was even larger than the previous one.

Apparently, Roswaal had chosen the first mansion because it was only a side place that was out of the way, making it a good place to be when Emilia's candidacy was announced. He had originally planned to move into his main house shortly after the Royal Selection began, but the staff at that mansion was yet to finish preparations.

So, as for now, you would be staying at this side mansion, and it's head was somebody unexpected.

You nervously carried the cloak that contained the Gospel as you stepped out of the dragon carriage that held you, Subaru, Garfiel, and Otto. 

In front of you was the carriage that contained Emilia, Rem, Ram, Beatrice, Petra, and Frederica.

Behind you were two dozen Ryuzu clones, who had stopped according to Garfiel's orders.

From the other side of the carriage, you heard a voice welcome Emilia and the other girls. "Hello, Emily. Hello, honored guests. I am Annerose Miload, the heiress to the House Miload, and I will be your host until you are relocated."

You and Subaru glanced at each other when you heard 'Emily,' and you decided to get a good look at whoever was giving Emilia weird nicknames. 

You went across Patrasche, who briefly nuzzled Subaru as he also passed her, and your eyes widened when you saw who the voice was coming from. 

Annerose Miload had blue hair that was tied up in a weird braid-thing on top of her head, making her forehead look huge. She adorned a dazzling dress that matched her hair, but that wasn't important. What really stuck out was the fact that she was a little girl whose age was probably just short of double digits. Yet here she was, sounding and looking more mature than a lot of people.

When she saw you and Subaru, she nodded her head, keeping a firm expression. "You two must be the young men who are preparing to undergo the knighting ceremony. It is nice to meet you."

As you were about to awkwardly greet her, a new voice from behind you made you jump a little. "Ah! Our guests are here now. Let's get to know each other, shall we? Surprise."

You and Subaru looked back in surprise and saw a blue-haired butler with a monocle decorating his face. 

Behind him, Garfiel and Otto also looked shocked, and the girls looked on with intrigue. 

The butler bowed and introduced himself. "I am Clind. Introduction."

You bowed slightly and introduced yourself to both Clind and Annerose. "Hey. My name is (Y/N) (L/N). Thanks for having us over."

Annerose sighed at your casual speech, but Clind looked amused. "And who is the boy with the scary eyes? Curious."

Subaru squinted his sharp eyes at the butler and replied, "Natsuki Subaru. And I can't do anything with how my face looks!"

As Clind focused on Subaru, Echidna's voice rang in your head. 

'(Y/N). There is something unusual about this man. He is not a mere mortal. Beware of him, because I have a suspicion that he is much more than a butler.'

'What do you mean? I get that he's weird, but I have no idea what you're thinking he is.'

'If I was to physically be in his presence, I would surely know, but from the faint signs that I am noticing through you, I have a feeling that he may be connected to Hector.'

Re:Zero Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now