So It Begins

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6 Months After the Negotiations

You turned around as Elsa suddenly pulled her black jagged blade out, getting ready to rip you apart.

She licked her lips and smirked. "It's been fun, (Y/N)-kun, but this will end with my victory!" Elsa dashed at you, blade extended outwards.

"Akra!" You shouted while imagining the familiar bright light engulfing your body. At the very last moment, you used your now-enhanced speed to twist away from Elsa's sudden attack. At the same time, you pulled out one of your three swords that rested on your back, secured in tight-fitting sheaths.

Elsa stopped where she was and violently turned towards you. The two of you were in an open spot that was surrounded by trees, so there was no cover to go to while on the offensive.

This time, you met her attack. Eyes following her movements, you stopped her slash with the blade that Julius had given you more than half a year ago.

"Nice try," you said through gritted teeth. "But I've gotten stronger, you know. I'm not going to die any time soon."

Elsa grinned with masochism and leaped back, preparing another attack. But before she could charge at you again, you pointed your arm at her. "El Strahl!"

A beam of bright light, which was as wide as a person, engulfed Elsa, and she grimaced in pain. One thing that you learned over the past few months was the fact that Elsa was very weak to magic, and you used this to your advantage. Even if you still couldn't use a ton of magic at one time, this would be enough.

As the beam faded, steam could be seen rising from Elsa. She had been burnt by the light, and a fire was lit in her eyes. With a misleading smile, she commented, "Ara~ that hurt! This can only get better if I get to see your bowels!"

As her burns healed rapidly, Elsa exchanged her jagged blade for her two standard ones in her cloak.

This time, you took the offensive and charged her before she could recover. With your single sword, you attacked the Bowel Hunter with a speed and strength that matched hers. 

If this was a battle of physical endurance, Elsa would have won because of her regeneration and your limit on mana.

However, you were able to use magic other than Akra, as you demonstrated before.

"Crescent Moon!" As you locked blades with Elsa, yours began to glow with light. This was the mana that was collecting in your sword.

Within a half second after you yelled its name, the Crescent Moon sprang from your blade. True to its name, it was in the shape of a crescent moon, and when it reached Elsa, it separated her top half from the bottom.

This attack was reminiscent of Moon Breathing from Demon Slayer, and you used this variant because the actual techniques would take way too much mana.

You actually had a similar attack, but it was on a whole different level, and it took about 80% of your mana to cast it. In a 1v1 battle, exhausting mana was a definite no, so you used Crescent Moon this time and settled with dismembering the Bowel Hunter.

And that was enough, as a whistle blew, ending the match. "(Y/N)'s victory!!!" 

Subaru climbed down from his position in a tree while you deactivated Akra, and walked towards you with a thumbs up. "Man, that was amazing! I would be obliterated by her, but you won! Congrats on breaking the tie! Now the record's 31-30!"

Elsa, who had finished regenerating her body together, sprang up as if nothing had happened. The combat clothes that she had been wearing had a line through them, so it looked like she was wearing a crop top. "That was so exciting! I thought that I was going to die!"

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